Finishing Courses are designed to get you into competition. Here, we cover any elements that have not been addressed earlier, with a heavy focus on preparing you and your dog for the stressors of competition. Nothing is left to chance – your dog will be exposed to a wide variety of possibilities to make you the strongest team possible.
Instructor: Margaret Simek
Open is fun! Utility is not futility!! Are you getting ready to show, or are showing in open or utility? This is the class for you! We will be covering all the exercises in both classes and skill building our performances. Each team will train at the level they are currently at, so you do not have to be ready to show in utility to join this class. Emphasis in this class is crisp, clean performances that knock the judge’s socks off!
We will cover these skills in class:
Heeling with attention on handler
Figure 8
Signals, getting good solid behavior that is reliable at a distance.
Drop on Recall, emphasis on fast and accurate drops
Retrieves, we will cover them all! Dumbbell, glove, scent discrimination
Directed jumping, breaking down the chain to build accuracy
Stays, every stay is covered, group exercises along with in motion stays required for utility
Fronts and Finishes, yep, even more in utility, save those points with accurate fronts and finishes.
Putting together your ring performance and knowing when you are ready to show.
Get ready to put your training in high gear! Trialing at the top levels is not easy. Both Open and Utility require the dog to start work independently of the handler and at a distance. In this class we will be working on making sure you dog has the confidence in their task, and appropriate skill sets for the classes. We will also build the dogs ability to work independently and at a distance from the handler.
Here's your chance to polish up your obedience skills for the AKC ring. Nancy has put 4 AKC OTChs on her dogs and judged AKC obedience for 20 years.
Gold Students - You decide what you need help with from Novice to Utility and she will help you develop a plan to reach your goals.
Silver Students - You can join and ask questions about the training that the Gold students are working on. Nancy can not take any personal training questions from the silvers. If you want to know what types of training the Gold students are working on, contact her directly or look at the syllabus for initial information from Gold students.
Bronze students: There is a WEALTH of information being discussed in this class. See the class syllabus for a list of the dogs that are participating, and read what sorts of issues they are working through.
If you are preparing a dog for obedience trials and you need the tiny details and polishing put into place, this class is a must for you.
Denise Fenzi (she/her) has competed in a wide range of dog sports – titling dogs in obedience (AKC and UKC), tracking (AKC and schutzhund), schutzhund (USA), mondioring (MRSA), herding (AKC), conformation (AKC), and agility (AKC). She is best known for her flashy and precise ... (Click here for full bio and to view Denise's upcoming courses)
Instructor: Hannah Branigan
I lied. We are totally going to chain it. But through chaining... FREEDOM!
Freedom from hot dogs in your pockets. Freedom from balls in your armpit. Freedom from feeling "chained" to reinforcing every behavior with a primary reinforcer.
Build trust, confidence, and motivation through the power of behavior chains. Sequence your performance behaviors to teach the dog that reinforcement outside the ring is totally worth the performance inside the ring.
Goal: To be able to set up a reinforcement station (like food at your chair/crate), move the dog into a different space (like a ring), perform a continuous chain of behaviors (like a performance), and then exit to the reinforcement.
Instructor: Nancy Gagliardi Little
Are you losing points in the obedience ring? Are you getting ready to trial your dog in obedience and would like to clean up one or two exercises? Would you like help pointing out areas that need some training? Do you want help with handling? Want an OTCh? Want to just get through Novice with your first dog? Whether you are an experienced obedience competitor or someone that has never shown in the ring, this class will help you learn what is needed to do to improve your performance and your scores. You might want to work on petty little 1/2 point deductions from your ring performance. You might want suggestions to help prepare you for the ring. Or you might not even know what you need yet - but you want someone to tell you what you need.
This class will focus more on the fine tuning of exercises or performances. Fine tuning doesn't have to mean high scores, either. With some dogs, it doesn't make sense to ask for perfection - we want happy, confident dogs in the ring as the goal for trialing.
Nancy judged AKC obedience trials for over 20 years, including 4 regional and national obedience tournaments. She put an OTCh on her Novice A Labrador Retriever and also placed in national tournaments. She completed AKC OTChs on 4 dogs and placed in many national tournaments with these dogs. Nancy can help you pinpoint areas that will help improve your performance.
This course will be based on the needs of the Gold students. There aren't any formal lectures planned - the information for this class will be included in the Gold student's homework forum. These forums will be archived and included in your library at the end of the class instead of lectures.
Gold Students - You decide which areas that need help or Nancy can help you decide.
Silver Students – Silver students will be able to submit 2 short videos - one minute each - during the 6 weeks session. As always, you can also ask any question about the training that the Gold students are working through. There will be many interesting training topics. If you aren't sure, sign up at bronze, get a feel for the class and then if you want to upgrade to silver, come back here.
Bronze students: There is a WEALTH of information being discussed in this class. Once the Gold students introduce themselves during the first week and decide on an problem, Nancy will update the class syllabus with a list of the dogs that are participating as well as the training exercises or areas they plan on working.
Instructor: Nancy Gagliardi Little
Here is your chance to get help with you dog’s Open and/or Utility training. Whether it is a big or small issue, Nancy will isolate the details that need attention. Then she will help you develop a training plan for your dog that will move you forward towards the desired behavior. Nancy brings a lot of judging (20+ years) and training experience (4 OTChs and many national rankings and tournament placements) into her teaching. Her problem-solving classes are wonderful opportunities to learn lots of great training exercises, handling tips, and tools.
Gold Students - You decide which areas that need help. We will start with one training issue and when you have a training plan, you can address additional problems.
Silver Students – Silver students will be able to submit 2 short videos - one minute each - during the 6 weeks session. Nancy will analyze each video and help you develop a training plan. As always, you can also ask any question about the training that the Gold students are working through. There will be many interesting training topics. If you aren't sure, sign up at bronze, get a feel for the class and then if you want to upgrade to silver, come back here.
Bronze students: There is a WEALTH of information being discussed in this class. Once the Gold students introduce themselves during the first week and decide on a problem, Nancy will update the class syllabus with a list of the dogs that are participating as well as the training exercises or areas they plan on working.
Instructor: Mariah Hinds
Let’s put all of our training together and get your dog ready to rock in the Novice Obedience ring! We will look at building your dog’s confidence in new locations, helping your dog generalize the skills, adding realistic ring distractions to your dog’s skills, sequencing the skills together and we will go through all the steps to wean your dog off of that cookie in your hand or in your pocket. We will go over heeling, figure 8’s, transitioning from on-leash exercises to off-leash exercises, stand for exam, fronts and finishes, ring entrances and ring exits. Your confidence as a handler will improve when we discuss ring nerves and how to prepare yourself mentally for the ring and for the trial. Gold students can problem solve areas where their dog struggled in previous competition obedience events.
Get ready! This class will show you the pieces that you and your dog need to be prepared to enter the Novice obedience ring, whether that is Preferred Novice, Beginner Novice, or Novice! Whether your style of heeling and fronts is in line with AKC, CKC, FCI or IPO, this class will show you how the finishing pieces to ensuring that your dog's performance in the ring is simply brilliant.
*Dogs need to have some heeling, some fronts and finishes, some engagement and stays to be ready to take this class.
The people spoke! And FDSA Answered!
After popular demand, and listening to the response from many… the resulting outcome…
Handlers Choice Class with Kamal Fernandez!
During this 6weeks course, the handler can decide on WHATEVER it is that they want to work on for the duration of the course…
Yes, that's right! Absolutely anything related to your dog sports issues! At the commencement of the class, the Gold Participant may specify up to two distinct areas that they wish to focus on, which will then be the progressed throughout the 6 weeks.
This will be your chance to partake in a ‘tailored’ made class for YOU!
The course is aimed at developing and focusing on exercises/behaviors or problem-solving.
For example:
- drive issues
- ring preparation
- dealing with high drive dogs
- dealing with low drive dogs
- progressing heeling
- retrieve issues
- send away/go out
Whilst there will be overlap from previous FDSA courses, and videos access… this course will be most suitable for those who have completed the previous course but want specific help and support moving their training forward, or developing behaviors.
Handler's choice is tailored to the Gold Student's needs. You are able to select two core behaviours/skills/exercises to work on within the course, and receive feedback or content relating directly to your training. There are lectures included from previous HC classes, which may or may not relate to your own training. The majority of lectures are video format usually with voice-over describing how to handle the video content. Additional lectures/videos are provided/catered as needed specifically based on the Golds skill requirements. Feedback is giving on two areas identified at the start of the course.
Denise Fenzi (she/her) has competed in a wide range of dog sports – titling dogs in obedience (AKC and UKC), tracking (AKC and schutzhund), schutzhund (USA), mondioring (MRSA), herding (AKC), conformation (AKC), and agility (AKC). She is best known for her flashy and precise ... (Click here for full bio and to view Denise's upcoming courses)
There are no scheduled sessions for this class at this time. We update our schedule frequently, so please subscribe to our mailing list for notifications.
Gold level access includes all lecture and video materials, ability to post questions and videos to the course forum, and feedback on all questions asked in the forum as well as feedback on both written and video assignments.
Silver Level includes access to all course materials and the ability to participate in the discussion forum. Students may ask GENERAL questions about course materials and may submit two, one-minute videos for instructor feedback.
Bronze Level Access includes all lecture and video materials, and the ability to read all questions and answers posted in the class forum. You will not post questions or submit written or video assignments.
Find more details, refund policies and answers to common questions in the Help center.
The people spoke! And FDSA Answered!
After popular demand, and listening to the response from many…. the resulting outcome…
Handlers Choice Class with Kamal Fernandez!
During this 6weeks course, the handler can decide on WHATEVER it is that they want to work on for the duration of the course…..
Yes, that's right! Absolutely anything related to your dog sports issues! At the commencement of the class, the Gold Participant may specify up to two distinct areas that they wish to focus on, which will then be progressed throughout the 6weeks.
This will be your chance to partake in a ‘tailored’ made class for YOU!
The course is aimed at developing and focusing on exercises/behaviors or problem-solving.
For example:
- drive issues
- ring preparation
- dealing with high drive dogs
- dealing with low drive dogs
- progressing heeling
- retrieve issues
- send away/go out
Whilst there will be overlap from previous FDSA courses, and videos access… this course will be most suitable for those who have completed the previous course but want specific help and support moving their training forward, or developing behaviors.
Handler's choice is tailored to the Gold Student's needs. You are able to select two core behaviours/skills/exercises to work on within the course, and receive feedback or content relating directly to your training. There are lectures included from previous HC classes, which may or may not relate to your own training. The majority of lectures are video format usually with voice-over describing how to handle the video content. Additional lectures/videos are provided/catered as needed specifically based on the Golds skill requirements. Feedback is giving on two areas identified at the start of the course.
Denise Fenzi (she/her) has competed in a wide range of dog sports – titling dogs in obedience (AKC and UKC), tracking (AKC and schutzhund), schutzhund (USA), mondioring (MRSA), herding (AKC), conformation (AKC), and agility (AKC). She is best known for her flashy and precise ... (Click here for full bio and to view Denise's upcoming courses)
There are no scheduled sessions for this class at this time. We update our schedule frequently, so please subscribe to our mailing list for notifications.
![]() Gold |
![]() Silver |
![]() Bronze |
Tuition | $ 260.00 | $ 130.00 | $ 65.00 |
Enrollment Limits | 12 | 25 | Unlimited |
Access all course lectures and materials | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Access to discussion and homework forums | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Read all posted questions and answers | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Watch all posted videos | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Post general questions to Discussion forum | ✔ | ✔ | ✖ |
Submit written assignments | ✔ | ✖ | ✖ |
Post dog specific questions | ✔ | With video only | ✖ |
Post videos | ✔ | Up to 2 | ✖ |
Receive instructor feedback on |
✖ |
Find more details, refund policies and answers to common questions in the Help center.
The people spoke! And FDSA Answered!
After popular demand, and listening to the response from many…. the resulting outcome…
Handlers Choice Class with Kamal Fernandez!
During this 6weeks course, the handler can decide on WHATEVER it is that they want to work on for the duration of the course…..
Yes, that's right! Absolutely anything related to your dog sports issues! At the commencement of the class, the Gold Participant may specify up to two distinct areas that they wish to focus on, which will then be the progressed throughout the 6 weeks.
This will be your chance to partake in a ‘tailored’ made class for YOU!
The course is aimed at developing and focusing on exercises/behaviors or problem-solving.
For example:
- drive issues
- ring preparation
- dealing with high drive dogs
- dealing with low drive dogs
- progressing heeling
- retrieve issues
- send away/go out
Whilst there will be overlap from previous FDSA courses, and videos access… this course will be most suitable for those who have completed the previous course but want specific help and support moving their training forward, or developing behaviors.
A set of "core" lectures is provided on some common sport training issues (heeling, tugging, play etc.) and the balance of lectures/videos will be provided based on the needs of the gold students.
Handler's choice is tailored to the Gold Student's needs. You are able to select two core behaviours/skills/exercises to work on within the course, and receive feedback or content relating directly to your training. There are lectures included from previous HC classes, which may or may not relate to your own training. The majority of lectures are video format usually with voice-over describing how to handle the video content. Additional lectures/videos are provided/catered as needed specifically based on the Golds skill requirements. Feedback is giving on two areas identified at the start of the course.
Denise Fenzi (she/her) has competed in a wide range of dog sports – titling dogs in obedience (AKC and UKC), tracking (AKC and schutzhund), schutzhund (USA), mondioring (MRSA), herding (AKC), conformation (AKC), and agility (AKC). She is best known for her flashy and precise ... (Click here for full bio and to view Denise's upcoming courses)