Course Details
Do you collect a ton of "likes" and "hearts" and "Nice capture!" comments when you share your photos, but don't feel you are actually improving as a photographer? Are you stuck in a rut with your photography and need a nudge to get your mojo back? This workshop is for you!
The most enjoyable and productive parts of my classes at FDSA are the photo critiques I provide to my advanced students. They show me what they’re working on and let me help them make it better. We examine all of the fundamentals in the image, including exposure, focus, and post-processing, as well as analyze the overall impression that the photo offers to viewers.
This workshop will let you experience this same type of feedback for your photo without the commitment of a 6-week class. Go beyond the Facebook "Likes" and discover your next step to better photos.
Note: This workshop has run previously under a different course number. However, you are welcome to register as a Working Student even if you took this workshop the last time it ran. Since feedback is unique to each photo, the experience will be different.
Watch the Trailer:
Lecture Publish Date: Sunday May 19th
Photo Submissions Due Date: Sunday May 26th @ 12pm noon PT
Feedback & Questions Video Publish Date: Wednesday May 29th

Amy Johnson (she/her) is the official show photographer for many of the premier agility events in the United States, including the AKC National Agility Championships, AKC Agility Invitational, USDAA Cynosport World Games, UKI US Open, and NADAC Championships, as well as numerous local trials, regional events, and breed national specialties. She has photographed a wide variety of dog sports, including agility, obedience, rally, and conformation. (Click here for full bio and to view Amy's upcoming courses.)