March Workshops - Registration Opens Feb 22 - 9am Pacific Time

* Registration closes March 31 - 12pm (Noon) Pacific Time


WW512: Mar 2- Tricks and Games for Confidence and Resilience in Performance Dogs

Make no mistake about it, ALL dogs experience pressure when competing. They feel pressure from barriers, the environment, humans and even from us! When dogs feel pressure, the...

Petra Ford (Faculty)

WW513: Mar 2- Let it Be! Teaching Leave it and Drop it (REPEAT)

“Leave it” and “drop it.” They seem like such simple skills. And yet they can be anything but. Getting animals to leave things alone or give them up can feel impossible at tim...

Irith Bloom (Faculty)

WW514: Mar 9- All things treadmill: Not just for trotting in Canine Fitness! (REPEAT)

Treadmills are an awesome tool for fitness, but did you know you can use them for more than just cardiovascular fitness (walking and trotting)? There are a large number of exe...

Kelly Daniel (Faculty)

WW515: Mar 9- Loopy Listening: Eliminate shutting down or over-arousal problems without more training (REPEAT)

"Are you struggling with over-arousal problems in training? With a dog who barks, spins, bites, does victory laps, or gets goofy? Or maybe you have a dog who slows down, shut...

Helene Lawler (Faculty)

WW516: Mar 16- Starting Your Herding Dog

Discover the Joy of Herding with Your Dog! Ever dreamt of herding with your dog but unsure where to begin? Join my NEW FDSA Starting Herding Workshop and learn the secrets to...

Barbara Lloyd (Guest Instructors)

WW517: Mar 23- Teaching a Fun and Flashy Drop on Recall (REPEAT)

Building a Reliable Drop on Recall – Precision, Speed, and Confidence Want to create a fast, reliable, and confident Drop on Recall for the Open obedience ring? This workshop...

Nicole Wiebusch (Faculty)

April Workshops - Registration Opens Mar 22 - 9am Pacific Time

* Registration closes April 30 - 12pm (Noon) Pacific Time


WW518: Mar 30- Personal Play: Just You and Your Dog (REPEAT)

Toys are awesome! Food is awesome! But very little can beat genuine and warm personal interactions for building a basic relationship with our dogs that relies on nothing more ...

Denise Fenzi (Faculty)

WW519: Apr 6- Cooperative Care Helps the Medicine go Down

Mary Poppins was right. Not that I’m advocating that we give our dogs (or cats) sugar! However, making the act of taking medicine a positive one is really powerful. We know th...

Deborah Jones (Faculty)

WW520: Apr 6- Leash Skills for High Prey Drive Dogs

Prey drive is completely normal in dogs. Many dogs have been selectively bred to have a high prey drive as it helps them be better working dogs. That instinctive interest in p...

Tracey McLennan (Guest Instructors)

WW521: Apr 13- Tenacious Tunnel Verbals: Perfecting Your Tunnel Cues

Do you wish you could always predict how your dog is going to exit a tunnel on course? You can do just that by teaching a clear set of tunnel verbals! This workshop will show...

Bronagh Daly (Guest Instructors)

WW522: Apr 20- Hold On! Building a Confident and Cheerful Hold (REPEAT)

Teaching a confident and reliable hold is the foundation for all retrieves. People often skip this step or get stuck in the teaching phase. In this workshop we are going to sh...

Petra Ford (Faculty)

WW523: Apr 20- 7 Days to a More Connected Canine

Strengthen your bond with your dog in just seven days through fun and engaging games! This workshop provides practical techniques to enhance your dog's focus, responsiveness, ...

Nicole Wiebusch (Faculty)

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