Defining Calm and Confidence and why does it matter?
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Hi, I'm Irith Bloom, and this is Fenzi Dog Sports Academy BH 225: Achieving Zen: Building Confidence and Calm for Anxious Animals.
Let's get started by thinking about the term "calm." What exactly does "calm" mean? Most words have more than one possible definition, and certainly words like this that relate to behavior and emotional state can potentially have a lot of different definitions.
That means what I'm about to say is not some absolute definition of the word "calm," but a way of trying to reach a definition of "calm" that we will all agree on for the purposes of this course. So, with that said, what is "calm"?
Our Shared Definition of "Calm" for This Class
For the purposes of this course, "calm" means that the animal is in a state where they are able to stop and think, where they are able to thoughtfully respond to what's going on around them. They're not so excited or so agitated that they're having difficulty making thoughtful decisions.
They might be happy and calm. They might feel neutral and calm. If they're unhappy, then they're probably in distress, which would mean that they're actually not calm.
So "calm" is going to be a happy to neutral state where the animal feels relaxed, and they are capable of making thoughtful decisions.
So how about the term "confident"?
"Confident" is a much more difficult term to define. It can mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people.
Our Shared Definition of "Confident" for This Class
For the purposes of the animals that we'll be working with in this course, let's define "confident" as feeling empowered and feeling safe. In other words, the animal knows that they are in a context in which it is safe to make a decision, and they also feel that they have the power to make that decision.
So that's what we're going to call "confident," feeling safe and feeling empowered to make choices that hopefully, because they are calm, they are making thoughtfully.
Why Do Calmness and Confidence Matter?
You may be thinking to yourself, "Great. We defined 'calm.' We defined 'confident.' So what does that have to do with anything?"
Calmness and confidence matter, because when an animal is calm and confident, they're going to tend to make more appropriate choices for the situation that they are in.
What that means to us when we're living with non-human animals is that they're generally going to make choices that are easier for us to deal with.
As you know, this class is focused on helping the non-human animals in your home become more calm and more confident. The reason that we're doing all of that, everything that we're going to be talking about in future weeks, is to help the animals we live with have the wherewithal to make better decisions and the confidence to actually take action based on those decisions.
Do I know what's going on in any animal's mind? No. But I do know that when an animal is calm and confident, they tend to do things that we humans find a little easier to live with.
Key Takeaways
Here are some key takeaways from today's lecture:
- The word "calm" has more than one possible meaning.
- So does the word "confident."
- For the purposes of this course, when I refer to an animal as being calm, what I mean is that that animal is in a state where they are able to make thoughtful decisions. Not overreact, not react based on instinct, but make thoughtful decisions.
- Confident means that the animal feels safe and empowered enough to make those decisions and then act on them.
- Another key point is that calmness and confidence help animals make better choices overall.
Next Steps
- Post in the discussion forums!
- The chat forum is a great place to discuss things, ask questions amongst yourselves, trade ideas, and so on.
- The positive reinforcement forum is a great place to acknowledge others' efforts and give each other praise, support and reinforcement.
Gold and Silver Students
- Think about about where you are seeing calmness and confidence, or the lack of calmness and confidence in the animal you are choosing as your class partner. When is the animal calm? When are they not calm? When are they confident? When are they not confident? Notice any trends? Any particular places where this creates a lot of problems? Think about all of that.
- Post your observations.
- Post questions and videos. You can include videos of where and when you're observing the calmness, confidence, or lack of either or both, but please avoid setting up bad situations for the purpose of capturing video. I don't want anyone to be at risk and we do not want to be stressing your class partner animals.
Bronze Students
- Follow along.
- Post in the chat and positive reinforcement forums.
With that, I'm going to sign off for today. I look forward to seeing you next time!