On this page you can purchase the instructor's lecture notes and video examples for classes that are offering a more advanced class in the current term. For example, if you wish to take "Nosework 2" in the current term, then you can purchase the instructor's notes for "Nosework 1".
When you buy the class as a lecture-only option, you do not get access to the forums, since they've been archived after the class ended. We offer this option for people who are interested in taking a more advanced class but missed the pre-requisite class when it was offered.
We do NOT recommend this option - we believe that the value of the forums is great, and ideally classes will be taken as they are offered. However, we also understand that some students may be new to the academy, and therefore not available to enroll when the class was offered. Please note that there is no discount, so please take the classes when they are offered if at all possible!
Please select the link class you want to purchase, and then go to the Registration tab on the class page to purchase the lectures.
There are no refunds available for prerequisite purchases.
Prerequisites relating to the April 2025 session
(Will be available for purchase March 18 - April 15)
No prerequisite classes for the April 2025 session.
No courses at this time.