Course Details
This course builds on the agility handling moves we learned in AG110: Intro to Agility. Now we will begin to put these handling maneuvers into small sequences using combinations of 3 jumps and a tunnel. We will also further refine the handling process to your individual dog so you can understand what your dog needs on these courses.
Teaching Approach
Lectures are released in one batch on the first day of each week. They are a combination if written lectures ((bullet points/steps) and video demonstrations.
As you are working through these drills, you will be required to step towards obstacles and move away from obstacles. The ability to throw rewards if needed is also an advantage. While the lectures assume an able-bodied handler and a dog who is interested in food or toys, Loretta is highly flexible for students at the Gold Level and will also try to accomodate as much as possible for Silver. Loretta is happy to make adjustments based on the team's needs. Please ask for modifications if needed.
Feedback is provided using a timestamp, and description of what is being talked about in the video submission. An example of this is below:
0:35 when you stepped forwad with your right foot, your foot was not pointing to the jump, but it was turned 90 degrees. That is why your dog did not send to the jump. Please rotate your foot clockwise (to the right) approx 6 inches so it is facing the jump bar.
0:55 here you did a LOVELY job moving off that forward send. That is just how I want it to look! WELL DONE!
This class will have a Teacher's Assistant (TA) available in the Facebook study group to help the bronze and silver students! Directions for joining that Facebook group will be in the classroom after you register.

Loretta Mueller (she/her) has been involved in agility since 2003 with her first rescue dog, Ace. Since then she has been involved in a variety of dog training activities including USBCHA herding, competitive obedience, rally obedience, and service dog training. In 2007, Loretta...(Click here for full bio and to view Loretta's upcoming courses)