Course Details
This course is for those wanting to improve the quality of their Rally-FrEe performances and increase their scores. It is designed for dog and handler teams at any level of Rally-FrEe though is most beneficial to those that are either getting ready to compete or already competing. You’ll learn what judges are looking for in a performance and strategize for the highest possible scores. We'll practice some mini-courses and work through some of the more "problematic" sign behaviors and each gold student will have the opportunity to work on a sign of their choice or free choice behavior. You'll learn how to assess your and your dog's performance of sign behaviors and create true teamwork. Gold spot pre-requisite of RA 500 or RA501/RA502: RF/MF Foundation Skills 1 and 2, currently competing in Rally-FrEe or getting ready to compete. RA511 a plus! Any level bronze student welcome.

Julie Flanery (she/her), CPDT-KA has been working professionally with dogs and their handlers since 1993. She focuses on the needs of the dog and helping people form a strong relationship, through clear communication, and positive reinforcement. She has placed Obedience...(Click here for full bio and to view Julie's upcoming courses)