Course Details
As positive reinforcement trainers, we understand that our dogs have choices – the choice to engage or not engage, to stay or go, to work or not work, to choose us or choose the environment. These choices are crucial because they impact our ability to build and maintain a working relationship with our dogs. They didn’t choose the sport or activity we so enjoy. Our goal as trainers is to inspire our dogs to choose to engage with us, to find joy in working with us, to prefer our company and activities over the myriad distractions of the environment. Maybe you think you’ll never get there, that it’s too much to ask or too much work and effort. But what if I told you that you can achieve this and more?
Game Changer! In training we often focus on specific skills and behaviors. But what about the concepts we want to instill in our dogs? Such as what it means to engage with us? To stay in proximity to us? To focus on a task, or control impulses around distractions? How to be a good teammate and look to us for guidance! This course is packed with over 30 fun games and activities designed to do just that! To give your dog a broader understanding of the concepts that are behind the behaviors we train. And to give our dog every reason to choose you, to work with you, and to enjoy the sports and activities you have chosen to do together. These games are not just fun; they are also carefully crafted to enhance your dog's training and strengthen your working relationship.
Most games will fit into one or more of the following categories:
- Attention
- Focus
- Engagement
- Proximity
- Recall
- Impulse control
- Distractions
- Heeling/LLW
- Relief from Pressure
This course is ideal for handlers and teams:
- just getting started on their training and teamwork journey
- wanting to re-ignite that spark and excitement felt when you first started working with your dog
- looking for ways to add more purpose to the games they already play with their dogs
- feel their dog is losing interest in training or sometimes find it difficult to keep their dog engaged
- wanting to improve their recalls and off-leash reliability
- wanting to improve attention and focus and working around distractions
- find themselves rewarding by rote, are not as motivated to train as they once were or just need a bit more fun, purpose and excitement in their training.
Teaching Approach
Lectures and games are released weekly and include written and video descriptions of each exercise. Students may choose which exercises and games to practice and work on.
Video demonstrations of the games and exercises include the instructor working with her own dogs as well as examples from other dog and handler teams. There are a variety of breeds and sizes represented in the demo vids. Demonstration video length varies between 1-2 minutes. Many of the demo videos are also captioned.
Instruction is suited to students of all levels and will focus on increasing the enjoyment and benefit for each individual team. Students will be provided with both general and specific written feedback, often including timestamps for clarity. Students will be able to show their work for any previous weeks as well as the current week’s exercises for continued feedback.
There will be a TA in the study group for this class.

Julie Flanery (she/her), CPDT-KA has been working professionally with dogs and their handlers since 1993. She focuses on the needs of the dog and helping people form a strong relationship, through clear communication, and positive reinforcement. She has placed Obedience...(Click here for full bio and to view Julie's upcoming courses)