Course Details
Is your dog TOO friendly? Over-excited, jumpy, and perhaps even a little unwittingly rude with how eagerly they greet you, other family members, or strangers? If you’ve found yourself wishing that your dog had better manners when it comes to people greetings, then this class is for you!
This class will help you build calmer greetings and default reactions to people. It is NOT suitable for dogs who are fearful, anxious, or aggressive in their greeting behaviors- we will be approaching everything entirely from the perspective of a dog who is super eager and boisterous in their greetings because they really WANT the attention, affection, and contact of the people they are greeting.
We will work throughout these six weeks to not only give your dog more self-control in potential greeting situations, but we will also help set their expectations so that they are less likely to be all fired up with hope and anticipation in those situations in the first place. Calmer dogs are more fun to greet but also find not-greeting to be easier, too. Your overly friendly dog can be in proximity to people without feeling the urge to say hello... and realistically, this is a better default expectation for most situations.
Of course, there will be times when greeting people is appropriate and so we will work to give your dog the skills to be more polite for those instances. Teaching a specific greeting-on-cue sequence will help your dog learn when saying hello is okay, as well as HOW to say hello in a manner that others will appreciate.
Training for Greet Expectations will occur in structured and curated training sessions but I’ll also provide some guidance on how to weave the necessary skills into your everyday life- so that you’ll get more chances to rehearse the desired behaviors and so that your dog learns that the skills apply in the real world- not just the obvious training ‘sessions’.
BOISTEROUS PUPPY OWNERS- even if your puppy doesn’t have obnoxiously over-friendly greetings yet- you may consider this class as a preventative measure, to help you guide your outgoing puppy through appropriate habit-building during the socialization process!
Teaching Approach
Each week will contain several subtopics with a mix of lectures containing concepts critical for learning, and practical training assignments for students to work through. Written descriptions of each exercise and brief video examples will guide you through the homework. Many of the video examples show a dog actually learning the skills in question so provide some opportunity to see real-time troubleshooting as well as expected levels of progress. Homework for each week is progressive- all students will work through the exercises in order.
Feedback for gold and silver students is detailed and encouraging- typically, the feedback is provided in written form but occasionally screenshots with markups or video demos are provided in order to help clarify next steps. You will receive feedback on what is going RIGHT as well as what needs changing.
This class will have a Teaching Assistant (TA) available in the Facebook study group to help the Bronze and Silver students! Directions for joining that Facebook group will be in the classroom after you register.

Erin (she/her) is a lifelong dog enthusiast from Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada. Erin is certified as a Karen Pryor Academy Training Partner, a Certified Profesional Canine Fitness Trainer, a Licenced Family Dog Mediator, and as a Cani-Fit Leader, ...(Click here for full bio and to view Erin's upcoming courses)