This self study course contains all of the Novice/Level One signs from AKC, ASCA, UKC, and WCRL Rally. It also contains all of the Advanced and Excellent signs from AKC Rally.
Each sign has its own lecture and is labeled by the AKC number and name, making it easy to find. In each lecture, you will find a picture and description of the sign. You will also find a video demo that I did and the video demo from the AKC website. Finally, I have included tips for each sign to help you avoid common mistakes.
If you are looking for a course to teach you the rally signs, this is it! These organized lectures will be the perfect addition to your rally library and will be a great resource to refer back to again and again.
#3 Halt Sit #4 Halt Down #5 Right and #6 Left Turn #7 About Turn Right and #8 About U Turn #9 270 Right and #10 270 Left #11 360 Right and #12 360 Left #13 & #14 Call Front Finish Forward Signs #15 & #16 Call Front Finish Halt Signs #17 Slow, #18 Fast, #19 Normal Pace #20 Moving Side Step Right #21 Spiral Right Dog Outside and #22 Spiral Left Dog Inside #23 Straight Figure 8 Weave Twice #24 Serpentine Weave Once #25 Halt 1 Step 2 Steps 3 Steps #26 Call Front 1-2-3 Steps Back #27 Stop and Down #28 Fast and #36 Slow Forward from Sit #29 Left About Turn #30 Halt Walk Around #31 Halt Down Walk Around #32 Figure 8 No Distractions #33 and #34 Halt Turn Forward #35 Call Front Return to Heel #37 Loop Right and #38 Loop Left #39 Diagonal Right and #40 Diagonal Left #41 Offset Serpentine Right and #42 Offset Serpentine Left WCRL/UKC Halt Sit Down Sit WCRL/UKC/ASCA Halt Stand WCRL Mini Spiral Right and Mini Spiral Left WCRL/UKC/ASCA 90 Degree Pivot Right and 90 Degree Pivot Left WCRL Halt Turn Right 1 Step Halt ASCA Halt Front Finish Halt ASCA About Turn U Turn and U Turn About Turn ASCA Down Stay ASCA Sit Stay #101 Halt About Turn Right Forward #102 Halt About U Turn Forward #103 Send Over Jump Handler Passes By #104 Halt Turn Right One Step Call to Heel Halt #105 Halt Stand Walk Around #106 Halt 90 Degree Pivot Right Halt #107 Halt 90 Degree Pivot Left Halt #108 Offset Figure 8 #109 Halt Sidestep Right Halt #110 Halt Call Front Finish Right #111 Halt Call Front Finish Left #112 Halt 180 Degree Pivot Right Halt #113 Halt 180 Degree Pivot Left Halt #114 Halt Down Sit #115 Halt Stand #116 Halt Pivot Right Forward #117 Halt Pivot Left Forward #118 Halt Leave 2 Steps Call to Heel Forward #119 Right Turn Dog Circles Right Forward #120 Left Turn Dog Circles Right Forward #121 Halt Step in Front Finish Right Forward #122 Halt Step in Front Finish Left Forward #123 2 Side Steps Right Forward #201 Halt Stand Down #202 Halt Stand Sit #203 Moving Stand Walk Around #204 Moving Down Walk Around #205 Backup 3 Steps #206 Down While Heeling Call to Finish Sit #207 Stand While Heeling Call to Finish Sit #208 Stand Leave Sit Call Front Finish #209 Stand Leave Down Call Front Finish Sit #210 Send to Jump #211 Double Left About Turn #212 About Turn Right About U Turn #213 About U Turn About Turn Right #214 Stand Right Turn Forward #215 Stand Left Turn Forward #216 Halt Dog Circles Right Sit #298 Sit Stay
Prerequisites and Equipment
It would be helpful for you to understand basic rally terminology like heel, front, finish, etc.
Equipment Needed for Signs:
Up to 4 cones or similar object
Jump (High, Bar, and Broad Jumps are used in competition)
While heeling, the handler halts and the dog sits in heel position. The handler takes one step forward, halts, and the dog sits in heel position. The handler takes two steps forward, halts, and the dog sits in heel position. The handler takes three steps forward, halts, the dog sits in heel position. The dog moves with the handler each time. At the completion of the sign, the team heels forward.
Video demos
Here is how your footwork should look.
And here is the completed sign with Strive:
AKC Demo
Just like with a normal halt, if you are going to verbally cue your dog, do so as you’re stopping, not after you’ve stopped. This will help prepare your dog for the halt. With this sign, you want to take off on the same foot that you always do when you heel. Most people take off on the left foot. Because you are doing 1, then 2, then 3 steps, you will stop differently than you might normally. For the first step, step off on your left foot and bring your right foot to meet your left foot. For two steps, step out on your left foot, move your right foot forward, then bring your left foot up to meet your right foot. For three steps, step out on your left foot, step with your right foot, step with your left foot, then bring your right foot up to meet your left foot.
I really encourage you to practice the footwork without your dog, because it’s not as easy as it sounds! I count in my head (or out loud) when I do this sign. For the first step, I say heel, sit. Then heel, two, sit. Then heel, two, three, sit. The last number and sit come out pretty close together, because I want to cue my dog to sit before I stop.
Be sure that your steps are all of equal size.
Review the lecture 1.1 Halt Sit and be sure you aren’t stepping into your dog on the halts.
Once your dog sits on the last halt, you may begin heeling to the next sign.
This class was developed directly for self-study so has no testimonials. Please review the instructor bio page for testimonials from similar courses.
This is a self-study class. The lectures will appear directly in your library, under the "Self Study classes" heading. Self Study classes do not have class homework forums. You will not have any access to the course instructor for questions or feedback. Please note there are no refunds on self-study classes so review all the information provided carefully before purchasing.
You will have access to these materials in your library for one year from the date of enrollment. You can keep your library pass current by enrolling in at least one course or workshop a year. Alternatively, you can purchase a library pass for $25 per year for as long as you wish to have access to prior class materials.