Course Details
Advanced handling techniques are often a combination of basic handling techniques and are built on the foundation of solid basics. This class will cover introducing advanced techniques and how to apply them to a variety of agility course challenges. In addition to adding new techniques to the handler’s toolbox, this class will expand on course walking strategies and course analysis. Students will work on building a handling strategy, testing it, and analyzing it so that they are better prepared for making decisions during the walkthrough in competition. Each week there will be a different theme to focus on that will enhance the handler’s knowledge and understanding of their dog’s perspective on the agility course.
This class is suitable for those teams that have a solid understanding of:
- Commitment and Keeping Commitment
- Basic Handling Techniques: front cross, rear cross, and blind cross
Smoother Moves will expand your handling toolbox and knowledge of course analysis. This class covers a lot of handling concepts so that each week, teams can focus on the tools that they need to be able to solve every course challenge.
I believe the perfect handling system is a solid understanding of how physical cues naturally affect the dogs plus some well-trained verbal cues sprinkled on top. The well-trained verbals are determined based on what each individual team needs. This class’s focus is built on the philosophy of handling from the dog’s perspective, with the understanding that each team is unique and will need different modifications as they progress.
Teaching Approach
Lectures are released at the beginning of the week. There will be written and video- demonstrated instructions for each technique. Coursework will have demonstrations with voice-over analysis breaking down exactly what happened and why.
Feedback will include both written instructions and voice-over feedback on your videos.
Students are encouraged to have discussions with Megan and each other via the discussion forum and/or the FB study group about handling styles and how to individualize the communication system for each team.

Megan (she/her) has been involved in the dog sport world nearly her entire life. Though her family did compete in obedience, agility was Megan’s passion right from the start. With over 20 years experience, she has competed with a variety of dogs...(Click here for full bio and to view Megan's upcoming courses)