Course Details
Do things fall apart when you attempt an entire rally course with your dog? Does your dog start off doing great, but lose focus as you continue through the course? Do you struggle with staying connected with your dog while navigating the course and reading the signs? Are you uncertain how to sequence the signs together or do you sometimes get to a sign and completely forget how to perform it? If you can answer “yes” to any of those questions, this class is for you!
Running through courses is an important part of prepping for rally competitions. Some challenges you will encounter only while sequencing signs. During this class, several courses will be released each week. There will be courses for each level of novice, advanced, excellent, and masters, so this class is appropriate for any level dog. If you’re short on room, you can pull chunks of courses out to fit in a smaller space. When I review your courses, I’ll let you know if you did any of the signs incorrectly. I’ll also offer suggestions as to how you could improve your performance and/or raise your score. If your dog is struggling with connection, reducing reinforcement, or getting off leash, we can work on those topics also! There will be a variety of lectures that will help you and your dog prepare for competition!
If there are any holes in your foundation, we will fill those gaps in the skills together. When you’ve completed this course, you will have the confidence to send in those entries knowing that you’re truly prepared. Join me today to bring your rally game to the next level!
BONUS for gold spots - The American Kennel Club (AKC) is offering a virtual titling program for Rally. During this course, if you want to show me video of any of the courses before you send it in, I will be happy to review it!
Trailer for this class:
Teaching Approach
Note: Aside from some lectures on different aspects of course buidling and prep for trials, the bulk of instructruction in this class will be in the detailed feedback provided to the gold students within their homework threads as they work through the posted courses. Each week there will be a variety of courses to choose from all levels of rally. The courses will be easily printed and will include the map and the sign list. I will also provide a PDF of the signs so students can print out the signs and place them on the floor. The courses will all be released on the first day of each week. Written concept lectures will be included as necessary for the needs of the gold students. Rally is a physical sport but accommodations can be made for those with mobility issues. I have coached students in wheelchairs and with canes and people using mobility devices can have successful rally experiences. This class would work best with students that are able and willing to set up courses from a printed course map and work several signs in a row. I will provide written feedback with video examples if necessary.

Nicole Wiebusch CPDT-KA (she/her) has been competing in dog sports for over 25 years. Starting in 4-H, Nicole quickly became addicted to the sport of obedience and has been showing in obedience, rally, and agility ever since. (Click here for full bio and to view Nicole's upcoming courses)