Course Details
Ask any competitor, from any sport and they will tell you: the difference between good competitors and great competitors is mindset. When it comes down to it, all the technical training in the world will not help you with the ability to focus and get in the zone on the day of the trial. Just like we train our dogs how to focus and stay level-headed in the busy dog show environment, we need to teach ourselves those skills!
This class is for any dog sport competitor, or anyone thinking about competing in dog sports. This class will hone in on what’s important to you and your team as you work through goal setting, competition timelines, boundary setting, dealing with failure, and taking care of your team during competitions.
Throughout the class, students will get to learn about my own mental management journey and work on the skills that I have found most helpful in my competitive career. The best part is, these skills can be generalized to ANY dog sport, and really, any part of life.
If you are standing in the way of your team’s success, this class is for you! If you are ready to rewire your brain for the better, this class is for you!
If you are ready to level up in your sport, this class is for you!
Join me to take a deep dive into why you compete in dog sports and how you can be a better competitor for yourself AND your dog.

Megan (she/her) has been involved in the dog sport world nearly her entire life. Though her family did compete in obedience, agility was Megan’s passion right from the start. With over 20 years experience, she has competed with a variety of dogs...(Click here for full bio and to view Megan's upcoming courses)