Course Details
Every team is on a trajectory, and that trajectory either takes them down a path of success or down a path fraught with challenges. The difference along this path is rarely related to the problems that the team is facing. Instead, it’s because the team left the path earlier on in their development that would have built rock solid foundations.
This class is for developing teams or teams who need a little remediation in order to make sure that they stay the course optimal development. We will be using games, exercises, and drills to tackle the big ticket concepts like Independence, Focus, Confidence, Sourcing, and more. The concepts are what will make or break the team’s ability to work advanced skills later on.
In addition to games, exercises, and drills, the class will be given lecture material that will explain crucial concepts and the “why” with respect to training decisions and hide placements.
This class is about taking Foundations from Good to Great.
Teaching Approach
Each week you will receive several lectures released at the begining of the week. There will be theory based lectures as well as lectures and assignments on the current topic. Initially, searches can be done at home however the learner will be enouraged to also work outside of the home. This class offers extensive written lectures, no verbal lectures, and videos of varying lengths. It is rare that relevant speaking takes place within a video; they are designed to be watched in order to follow the ideas presented in the lecture. Lecture videos may run from 1 to 4 minutes long, with the average between 1-2 minutes. The lectures are designed to help a student understand the purpose of the topic and how its application might vary by dog. Care is taken so that learners who learn by both watching and reading will be successful.
This class will have a Teacher's Assistant (TA) available in the Facebook study group to help the bronze and silver students! Directions for joining that Facebook group will be in the classroom after you register.

Stacy Barnett is a top nosework competitor and trainer, with many Summit Level titles in the National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW), (Judd SMTx3, Brava SMTx5, Powder SMTx3). She is also a Wilderness SAR K9 handler with her certified dog, K9 Prize. Stacy has been a faculty member at FDSA since 2015 (Click here for full bio and to view Stacy's upcoming courses)