Course Details
During this class, we will focus on learning the signs of the four most popular Rally venues: AKC, WCRL, UKC, and ASCA. If you compete in another venue and need help with a sign that we are not covering, let me know and we’ll add it! We will review each sign and explain exactly how the sign should be performed, including practicing any footwork that is needed for the sign, plus moving into and out of the sign. We will also start to acclimate your dog to the signs on the ground as well as practice staying connected to your dog when you are distracted by the signs. In addition, we will continue to build on the skills that were taught in the first Get Ready to Rally class by adding precision and fluency. By the end of this course, you and your dog will have a solid understanding of how to perform each sign correctly and you both will be navigating past the signs confidently while staying connected to each other.
This class will feature a TA (Teacher's Assistant), Ann Smorado. Ann will be active in the bronze study group and can review videos for bronze and silvers students.
Here's a trailer for the class!
Here is a video of one of my students competing in AKC Rally Novice A. Her border collie Ranger earned a perfect score on this run!

Nicole Wiebusch CPDT-KA (she/her) has been competing in dog sports for over 25 years. Starting in 4-H, Nicole quickly became addicted to the sport of obedience and has been showing in obedience, rally, and agility ever since. (Click here for full bio and to view Nicole's upcoming courses)