Instructor: Julie Daniels
Course Details
This course continues the journey from Cookie Jar Games, the class about the advantages of delayed reinforcement. The prerequisite course (required for Gold students only) is FF470, Cookie Jar Games.
Delayed gratification is not hard-wired, but it can be learned without stress! We'll review some of the core concepts. And then we will take off running with games which are built on the Cookie Jar principle that delay is the better deal for the dog.
All of my games of delay play by the rules of dog's choice. All of the Cookie Jar Games are built from a win/win strategy. This approach is central and necessary! Cookie Jar Games helped your dog choose to work. In Advanced Cookie Jar Games, we will nurture your dog's desire to remain patient and keep working. Your dog will understand that the delayed reinforcer will be more valuable than the currently available one. No matter what serves as a reinforcer in the moment, we can make it better through delay, and we can help our dogs understand how to control that delay.
It is exciting and gratifying to see the Cookie Jar concept take hold in your dog's life! Essential for competition dogs and incredibly useful for all dogs. If you want to compete successfully then delay of reinforcement is mandatory. It is a huge advantage for any family dog to feel relaxed when he has to wait for things or work amid distractions. This class will help you give your dog the gifts of patience and resourcefulness. Your dog can learn to prefer to work no matter what. It all comes together when he understands about building interest in the bank of reinforcement, all for the greater reward later.
Take this class for fun and games built upon your dog's desire to trade up his reinforcement from a small reward now to a larger reward later. We will take "choose to work" to a higher level.

Julie Daniels (she/her) won her first award for writing in the fourth grade, and she was training dogs long before that. Today Julie Daniels is one of the foremost names in dog agility in the United States. She was one of the early champions of the sport and helped many clubs throughout the country...(Click here for full bio and to view Julie's upcoming courses)