Course Details
Does the entrance to your home become a chaotic scene when someone knocks or rings the doorbell? This course is all about the many ways to teach your dog how to greet visitors with class and charm. No more scrambling to wrangle your dog from the doorway to keep him from jumping up or (oops!) slipping out through the open door. We'll bring barking down to the bare minimum or maybe even - dare we say it - down to nothing!
We'll include tackling the challenges of door-greeting chaos in multi-dog households.
This course focuses on your dog's door-greeting behaviour inside your home.
SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: This course is for dogs who are excited and happy to see visitors, and is not intended for dogs who may exhibit fearful or aggressive behaviours towards visitors (such as lunging, snapping, or biting).
This course is eligible for: CPDT-KA 17 CEUs, CPDT-KSA 11 Knowledge + 6 Skills CEUs, CBCC-KA 11 CEUs. All levels of registration are eligible for the Knowledge CEUs. ***NOTE***: The Skills CEUs for CPDT-KSA certificants are only awarded to Gold level registrants and will require video submission for each assignment for review.
Teaching Approach
Lectures are released at the rate of approximately 8 lectures during the first week (over several days). Not all lectures include a practice assignment.
The remainder of the session sees about 2-3 lectures per week. Lectures are kept short and on-topic to make it easier to absorb the information shared without feeling overwhelmed.
Demo videos are fully described in writing in the lectures, and text appears on the video itself to point out important sections. There is no verbal instruction or voice-over in the videos. When there is sound, it may be that of a cue (such as knocking or a doorbell), a marker (such as a clicker), general chattiness with the dog, or praise.
There is a strong emphasis throughout the course encouraging each student to work at their own pace and that of their dog’s. There is no expectation to work on material that has just been released. Students will move through the assignments at whatever speed corresponds to their dog’s needs.
This class will have a Teacher's Assistant (TA) available in the Facebook study group to help the bronze and silver students! Directions for joining will be in the classroom after you register.

Nancy (she/her) is a certified trainer with the CCPDT, and a certified behavior consultant with the IAABC. She teaches seminars, webinars, and workshops on dog training, dog behavior, and the business end of training throughout Canada, the U.S., and Europe. (Click here for full bio and to view Nancy's upcoming courses)