Course Details
The Training Levels are a structured course designed to teach your dog the basic skills that every dog needs for success as a pet, sport, working dog, or all three. These classes teach the trainer how to teach and how to prepare the dog to perform willingly under increasingly challenging circumstances.
Sue Ailsby's Training Levels are being used by pet trainers, sports instructors, and working dog schools all over the world. Now you can let Sue guide you through them!
The Training Levels are designed to create a training base for ALL dogs. There are four Levels with behaviors designed to teach both dog AND trainer. Every lesson supports later lessons, with early behaviors taught, diversified, and proofed to provide a solid foundation for all later lessons, be they pet, sport, or working behaviors.
The focus of these courses is not only the actual behaviors taught; the core is teaching YOU how to ensure that your dog can still perform under distracting conditions and when the "picture" looks different. We'll take a variety of basic behaviors (which we'll teach for those who need them and expand for those who have them) and teach you how to get them under a wide range of circumstances. In a nutshell, proofing and generalization!
These classes are a wonderful choice for almost anyone who wants to develop their dog to her fullest potential; regardless of future career path!
As we begin the fourth and last Level, we are seeing the difference in willingness and competence in class dogs, and a similar, if not even better, increase in training knowledge, enthusiasm, and competence in their trainers.
Note: This is class four in a four part series. Parts one and two are taught on the regular FDSA schedule with instructor Heather Lawson stepping in for Sue Ailsby (now retired). Students are welcome to continue working these materials with feedback from Heather using the FDSA one-to-one online private lessons. Interested students should email Heather at for more information.

Susan Finlay Ailsby (she/her) has retired from active teaching for FDSA. She is a retired obedience and conformation judge. She has been "in dogs" for 54 years, having owned and trained Chihuahuas, miniature pinschers, miniature longhaired dachshunds, Australian cattle dogs, miniature schnauzers, giant schnauzers, and Portuguese...(Click here for full bio and to view Sue's self-study courses)