Course Details
Tired of "just managing" your lungy barky dog in the moment? You can AMP up your management with an Active Management Plan! Don't improvise, don't "make it up as you go along." Give yourself the gift of preparation, and let's show your dog what to do when life gets hard!
Management for reactive dogs... and excited dogs, fearful dogs, worried dogs, reluctant dogs, anxious dogs, and any dog having trouble with environmental challenges both inside and outside the house! This class is will help you learn strategies for managing and controlling dogs that are reactive to dogs and people, whether that is from fear or excitement, and whether their displays are large and dramatic or quiet and withdrawn. Helping them get over their fears is best done when you can set up ideal conditions, but real life means you have to take your dog for a walk outside, and even when you do your best to set things up, surprises happen! You need management strategies that help you get through daily life that support your larger goals of reducing reactivity in your dog.
In this class you will learn leash handling skills for real life dog walking (u-turns, speed changes, side changes, quick sits), tricks you can do outside to keep their attention and help them stay calm (hand touches, two feet on, four feet on, find it), and strategies for minimizing in-home reactive barking (go to place, timed treats, pacifiers, settling in the crate). You will learn when to feed your dog and the importance of timing (pro tip: it doesn't actually matter sometimes!). You will also read about topics in reactivity, how to support your dog at classes and trials, how to travel in the car, how to be your dog’s advocate, and more!
Don't be afraid to sign up at the auditing levels, as the class is straightforward, and TA help is available when you're stuck. :)
All of the skills in the class can be practiced indoors, so this is an ideal cold winter or blazing summer class.
This class is designed as a companion class to “Dealing with the Bogeyman - Helping Fearful and Reactive Competition Dogs” and they can be taken in any order. In the Bogeyman class, we get to the root of the issue and heal it from the bottom up, using long distances and play therapy, and in this class you will learn strategies that minimize and even avoid the reactive outbursts when you find yourself too close to be able to play, which help you get through your regular day.
This course is intended to be an introductory course for people new to this issue of management but is suitable for people who have successfully been managing so far and could use some polishing. Every skill in the class can be made more challenging if you already have some of them well in hand. If you do have a lot of experience but just want to pick up tips and clarify a specific issue that eludes you, the silver level is right for you. Please contact the instructor to ask if the class is right for you if you aren’t sure.
Teaching Approach
In addition to the information you can find in the syllabus and description above about the material, you should know that lectures will be released twice a week. The first day of the week is the exercises and then mid week there is additional thought material. I can tell you that my feedback in the gold threads are usually detailed and supportive, and it's expected that to make the most of class it would be best if a student in any level reads along with the golds. None of the videos in the lecture material have any verbal instruction, as they are visual examples of what is explained in writing, but there is no talking in them. This class assumes you can practice daily, short periods at a time, and every exercise starts inside. We don't progress to outside quickly, so this can be done in all seasons, usually. The exercises involve standing, bending and walking, sometimes at a faster pace, and could require back flexibility depending on the height of your dog (though I'm always open to modifying any lesson to fit a team!). There is also a lot of feeding by hand, in large amounts, which may require some hand dexterity not usually used in most classes. Again, I would modify as needed. Everyone is expected to work at their own pace, and may pick and choose the exercises right for their situation, progressing only as their dog does.
This class will have a Teacher's Assistant (TA) available in the Facebook study group to help the Bronze and Silver students! Directions for joining will be in the classroom after you register.
Please contact the instructor for more information.

Amy Cook, Ph.D. (she/her) has been training dogs for over 30 years, and through Full Circle Dog Training and Play Way Dogs in Oakland, CA, has been specializing in the rehabilitation of shy and fearful dogs for 20 years. She is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant through the IAABC, a longstanding ...(Click here for full bio and to view Amy's upcoming courses)