Course Details
A Course for Expanding your dog's Personal Power! You can nurture your dog's natural curiosity and optimism toward the big wide world. There will also be a Teaching Assistant in the study group for this class to keep you on track as you progress. It's a busy and productive and supportive place! Work and play alongside other dedicated and creative minds!
Can your dog use some help with the physical and mental challenges of your favorite sport? Would you like for your dog to enjoy more activities with you? Would you like for your dog to meet new environments and novel stimuli with tail wagging and head held high?
This class will help your dog choose to expand their world. In their own way and in their own time, dogs everywhere are surprising their owners with how they put these principles together and carry new confidence and optimism over into other areas of their lives.
There are many dogs who have learned to tolerate the challenges of their sport, but have not learned to love them. There is a world of difference between Tolerance and Empowerment!
Does your dog enjoy meeting new challenges? Does he need a moment to size up the effort, or does he charge in? Does he show curiosity and then need help with his coordination or his confidence? Does he investigate a physical skill with an open mind? Does he enjoy himself when he falls off the ball or the toy falls down with a crash? Does he do well with noise and balance and height and motion and pressure and space?
We will use the concept of “Shaping for Demand” to help your dog start using each of our games to make you notice and make you pay. A new mindset is possible!
The right kind of exposure to new elements of difficulty can make all the difference in your dog's future success. And your dog's success with one activity makes it easier for him to succeed in other activities. Your dog will make physical and mental leaps of progress in this class!
Any age or size or breed of dog can benefit from the games we will play in Empowerment. Every game will be adapted for a dog who comes into the class with more confidence or less confidence. We can enjoy any baseline level of ability. We are only here to make personal progress.
We will build brain power and personal power. We will enhance your dog's self reliance and sense of fun. We will help him enjoy going over, under, around, and through all sorts of contraptions. We will be making noise and problem solving in our safe spaces and then out in the real world.
You will not need much space and you will not need fancy equipment. This is a terrific winter project. We will be dealing in concepts, not just in obstacles. So you will be able to create homemade substitutes for any of the class obstacles, and the more creative the better! Creativity challenges will be part of the course discussions!
I use everything from bakeware to plastic bags and scrap materials of all kinds in my games for building confidence and coordination. I can think of a way to get into your dog's head with a start point, and from there we will develop a plan and begin seeing improvements. We are on a mission to create dogs who think that the unexpected in life is FUN!
Teaching Approach
This is a concept class rather than a skills class. We'll all be playing the same games, and the games are not complex nor difficult. But you will need to make adjustments for your own dog in every game! Several alternative choices will be mentioned to give you guidance. You will be asked to decide how easy or difficult you should make your own dog's version of each game we play. It is my goal that you learn a lot about your dog's personality and your own creativity.
This class will have 2 Teacher's Assistants (TA) available in the Facebook study group to help the bronze and silver students! Directions for joining will be in the classroom after you register.

Julie Daniels (she/her) won her first award for writing in the fourth grade, and she was training dogs long before that. Today Julie Daniels is one of the foremost names in dog agility in the United States. She was one of the early champions of the sport and helped many clubs throughout the country...(Click here for full bio and to view Julie's upcoming courses)