Course Details
Is your dog having trouble with an exercise? Is your dog not motivated for or excited about a piece of an exercise? Is your dog just not getting it? Tricks (both cuing a trick and/or asking our dog to offer tricks) are a unique way to solve these problems. We have fun teaching our dogs tricks. And dogs love learning them. We are relaxed and have a high tolerance for errors. Dogs enjoy problem solving and making us laugh! All dog sports really consist of a series of tricks. When our dogs struggle with learning or executing a behavior, we just need to turn it into a trick. This will increase our dog’s motivation and improve their attitude about this behavior. The behavior can become just as inherently reinforcing as a simple trick…like sit or wave. In this workshop we will look at how to break exercises down to isolate the problematic behavior. We will look at adding the behavior to your dog’s existing repertoire of fun and beloved tricks. We will explore how to make the new “trick” your dog’s idea…which is empowering!! In addition, the new “trick” will create a positive conditioned emotional response with the behavior. And this will carry into the exercise. You can utilize this method with dogs at all training levels.
Watch the Trailer
Lecture Publish Date: Sunday Feb 19th
Video Submissions Due Date: Sunday Feb 26th @ 12pm noon PT
Feedback & Questions Video Publish Date: Sunday Mar 1st

Petra (she/her) graduated from Rutgers School of Health Related Professions 17 years ago with a degree in physical therapy and has experience working with an extremely varied caseload including pediatric through geriatric clients with a vast range of diagnoses. Her areas of expertise included in-patient rehabilitation, orthopedics and neurology. (Click here for full bio and to view Petra's upcoming courses)