Course Details
So what is looping training? In loopy training, we create a clean loop by returning to the starting point after delivering reinforcement. We tend to think of training in straight lines:
Cue – Mark - Behavior - Reinforcer
however we are really using loops! The loop starts and ends at the same place, setting the dog up for the next repetition without unwanted behaviors attached. Loopy training is used to build the behavior by slowly increasing the criteria and incorporating other trained behaviors into the loop. This also includes adding duration, distance, distraction, and new locations into your training loop.
How do we incorporate loops into nose work? We can incorporate loops into our nose work training by having a designated starting point, running your search and then through a predetermined method, transport your dog back to the starting point. Many times our dogs can shut down or disconnect after the reinforcement as you move out of the search area. Many times we immediately start discussing our search with our training partner or we disengage to start critiquing our search before we even get out of the area. When we incorporate returning to the starting point as part of the training loop, this will help the human half stay engaged as well as the dog.
We want to plan in advance so after we deliver the reinforcement we are able to have our dog set up for the next repetition versus allowing a lot of unwanted behavior to happen in between the reinforcer and the set up for the next rep. And as we already stated this unwanted behavior can come from the handler too, which in turn causes the dog to do the same.
What are the benefits of incorporating loops into Nose Work?
- Loopy training provides structure, clarity, predictability, patterns, confidence, prevents disconnect between repetitions, cleaner mechanics, and maintains better focus for both members of the team.
- Loopy training prevents unwanted behaviors in your loop and provides better fluency in training. In other words, no more junk in your chain!
- Loopy training prevents the dog being left “hanging” which can cause disconnect, shut down or arousal, and negative CER attached to the behavior.
- Loopy training helps when dogs are environmentally distracted as the loop brings focus, clarity and success to the search
- Loopy training improves your mechanics which assists in building behaviors and increasing criteria.
- Loopy training allows the dog to improve their problem solving skills, build new behaviors and create a positive conditioned emotional response.
- Loopy training also helps us become better splitters and prevent frustration in our learner that occurs when we lump behaviors. Splitting behaviors into clean loops allow us to progress quicker and continue building bigger loops
Loopy Training is a concept named by horse trainer Alexandra Kurland. Her loopy training mantra is: When a loop is clean you get to move on, and not only do you get to move on, you should move on She explains that, at the core, loops work because they teach us to split behavior in small chunks and get good quality behavior before trying to move on.
In this workshop, we will start with a very small loop and then build upon that to slowly create larger loops that includes our search. We will start with food delivery as this is essential for good training. Our dog must understand how the food will be delivered and how they will collect it. If our dog does not understand how to collect the reinforcement, or we are not efficient in delivering the reinforcement, we will break the flow of the loop.
We will also ensure our dogs have strong value for stationing/mat work to build our loops with a start and end point. To get from point A to point B, we will cover transport methods to move from end of search reinforcement back to the starting point.
We will set up our search with a start/end point and run the search, reinforce and return to the start point. We will be working a few different searches using our new loopy Nose Work!!
Start buttons will be covered including what they are and how then can benefit your nose work training. We will discuss trained start buttons as well as organic start buttons and how they can bring value to your nose work training. Important information once implemented will be reviewed to set your team up for success with your newly implemented start buttons.
Pattern games bring so much value before your search. Pattern games can help the dog feel safe in the environment when implemented properly. They can be used for calming or motivation to help your dog get into the right arousal level before their search. We will review pattern games with start buttons that help you evaluate your dog’s emotional state.
This is all about the dog’s choice. We want the environment to cue our dog to look to us, not prevent them from looking into the environment. Dogs are more willing to opt in when they have a choice.
Come join us and put some “loopy” into your nose work while removing the junk. If you have questions, please feel free to email me at Hope to see you soon!
Watch the Trailer
Lecture Publish Date: Sunday July 10th
Video Submissions Due Date: Sunday July 17th @ 12pm noon PT
Feedback & Questions Video Publish Date: Wednesday July 20th

Melissa Chandler (she/her) lives in Ohio and is owned by her Weimaraner and Vizsla. Melissa has been addicted to dog sports since starting in 4H and AKC Jr. Showmanship. She has competed in conformation, agility, obedience, hunt tests, nose work, and rally. She has also...(Click here for full bio and to view Melissa's upcoming courses)