Course Details
Nose work is a series of puzzles our dogs must navigate and work to locate source. The more puzzles and setups that our dogs can be exposed to and learn to work efficiently, the more prepared they will be for real world and competition searching. Dogs pull from memory and use that information when working each search.
There will be 3-4 exercises released each week and one bonus exercise each week with theme of expect the unexpected of the handler or environment.
Most exercises have more than one skill level so it is also a class that can be repeated as your dog increases in skill level.
Teaching Approach
Lectures will be released at the beginning of each week so you can plan your week based on homework and reading assignments. There will be minimal lectures with key concepts and homework is not assigned on the concept lectures. Lectures with exercises will include a written portion, example videos, and homework. Many of the exercises will have progression and variations of the subject exercise. The exercises will vary week to week, while some will build on others, they are mostly stand alone exercises. If you have questions in regard to content or requirements, please contact me via the instructor link.
This class will have a Teaching Assistant (TA) available in the Facebook discussion goup to help the Bronze and Silver students! Directions for joining can be found in the classroom after you register.

Melissa Chandler (she/her) lives in Ohio and is owned by her Weimaraner and Vizsla. Melissa has been addicted to dog sports since starting in 4H and AKC Jr. Showmanship. She has competed in conformation, agility, obedience, hunt tests, nose work, and rally. She has also...(Click here for full bio and to view Melissa's upcoming courses)