Nosework Containers are the #1 element that dogs false and fault on! Dogs associate containers with reinforcement due to early exposure and focus. They may try to talk us into the wrong one and in many cases their natural/default behavior may lead to antics such as perching, pushing, pawing, squishing, kicking, etc. Our handling also plays a role in their behavior and confidence. Julie Symons (she/her) has been involved in dog sports for over 30 years. Starting with her mix, Dreyfus, in flyball, she went on to train and compete in conformation, agility, obedience, herding and tracking with her first Belgian tervuren, Rival. Rival was the first CH OTCH MACH Belgian...(Click here for full bio and to view Julie's upcoming courses)Course Details
This workshop will cover aspects of arousal, acclimation and the importance of having clear criteria at source. We will also cover the need for consistency with our criteria, mechanics and how this is communicated to our dogs. With a few changes to how we start our dogs and some retraining approaches for dogs already trialing, we can make huge strides in preventing box antics!
We’ll start with reviewing 9 reasons why box antics might occur and how they can be avoided.
Next we will go over some exercises and approaches for addressing arousal that may occur around boxes. We will cover how to use acclimation and dynamic impulse control to reduce their arousal. By using food soothing and non-odor search activities around boxes, we can associate calmer feelings around boxes.
The workshop will also cover how creating a trained or reinforced indication will open up a clearer communication path between you and your dog. You can turn your criteria into a reliable indication that does not involve box antics! By giving your dog a clear way of communicating to you at source will reduce frustration at both ends of the leash!!
Don't miss out on learning how to prevent one of the most common issues facing scent work teams!
Note: This is a repeat workshop that has run previously under a different course number. Please review your workshop library to make sure this would not be a duplicate purchase.
Lecture Publish Date: Sunday October 24th
Video Submissions Due Date: Sunday October 31st @ 12pm noon PT
Feedback & Questions Video Publish Date: Wednesday November 3
Instructor: Julie Symons