Course Details
Do you have a Sensitive Dog? One who shuts down, quits, goes sniffing, freezes, or just plain wilts like an unwatered plant at the slightest perceived pressure?
Or perhaps your dog gets worked up: Barking, zoomies, lunging, bitting, or going off to "socialize" in the middle of a training session or trial?
Does your Sensitive Dog’s behaviour slow down your training? Prevent you from doing the things you want to do together? Or maybe is so extreme that it affects her ability to fully enjoy life?
If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, then you definitely have a Sensitive Dog. And I created this class just for you!
I have a house full of Sensitive Dogs and know all too well how tricky they can be to work with sometimes. But don’t despair! While challenging, Sensitive Dogs can also be some of the most wonderful and exciting to both train and live with. You just have to understand how to adjust your approach to bring out their best.
And, perhaps most importantly, how to open yourself up to what they have to offer. Which may not be what you expect!
This class will teach you to become a better communicator with your Sensitive Dog.
In particular, not only will you learn how to be clearer with YOUR language, but, importantly, you will learn how to better understand what your dog is telling you.
I call the Sensitive Dog behaviours I listed above “shouting”. But before they shout, dogs will “whisper”.
We want to learn to hear and respond to the whispers.
By the time they’re shouting, their nervous system has been activated into a fight / flight or freeze response and then we’re dealing with the fallout.
If we can learn to listen to their whispers and respond at that level, then they stay in a more optimal state of arousal and can keep functioning effectively.
As such, EVERY dog (and handler) will benefit from this class. It’s about becoming a better trainer and a more responsive partner to your dog.
This learning is especially important, however, for dog/handler teams where at least one partner is sensitive.
The class won’t make your dog less sensitive; it will teach you how to engage with your Sensitive Dog as a partner in doing things that are hard for her. And when she sees you are really there for her? Magic happens.
Join me in this class as I share my five-pronged approach to working with Sensitive Dogs. Specifically, in our time together, we will be exploring:
- The #1 thing you need to know about arousal, the nervous system, and your Sensitive Dog
- The importance of developing a Success with Sensitive Dogs Mindset (and how to do so!)
- How training may have contributed to your dog's sensitivity, and what to do about it.
- "Loopy Training" and "Loopy Listening"
- Identifying and curing Poisoned Cues
- Playing with your Sensitive Dog so you both have fun!
- Building confidence through consent and giving up control
- Management strategies for those times when training isn’t possible
In this class, I will teach you key strategies and tools that you can implement right away, and that will give you immediate results. Practiced regularly, you’ll continue to see improvement over the weeks, months, and years to come.
Even better, as you learn how to more effectively work with your Sensitive Dog, you’ll discover that these dogs can be some of the most delightful to work with! They are the most amazing teachers, and offer us the opportunity to grow, learn, and dramatically improve our skills as trainers. Your Sensitive Dog can even become the partner of your dreams!
Join me to discover how to bring out the best in your Sensitive Dog, and develop the partnership you’ve always hoped was possible.
Who is this class for:
- Anyone looking to better understand and more effectively work with their Sensitive Dog
- Anyone with a dog who shows Sensitive Dog behaviours (see above!)
- Those looking for positive reinforcement-based approaches for building confidence and clarity in their training
- Trainers who are not getting the results they hope and dream of
This class focuses on:
- Training theory and concepts
- Understanding arousal and the nervous system
- Lifestyle and mindset change
- Practical, simple exercises that have a big impact over time
What we will NOT be covering in the class:
- Medically-based approaches to supporting Sensitive Dogs
- Sound sensitivity
Teaching Approach
This class is taught primarily through written lectures coupled with some video content. Rather than a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all set of exercises, this class is heavily concept based with the goal of teaching you the skills and understanding you need to create a tailored approach for your unique dog.
While all the fundamentals are presented in the class lectures, all students are encourage to follow along in the Gold and Silver forums as deeply enriching conversations and explorations will be taking place there, adding to your understanding of the material and how to put it into practice.
The class lectures are dense and there is a large volume of material. You are encouraged to work at your own pace, and focus on those concepts and strategies that make the most sense for where you and your dog are at in the moment. There is never any "behind" in this class!
This class will have a Teacher's Assistant (TA) available to help the Bronze and Silver students! Directions for joining that Facebook group will be in the classroom after you register.
Questions? Please don't hesitate to contact me at

Hélène Lawler (she/her) got her first dog, a border collie named Jake, in 1989 and has been training dogs ever since. Over the years, she has trained in obedience, search and rescue, protection sports, rally, tricks, and freestyle, among others. She discovered agility in 2004, and herding in 2005, which have become her main focus and passion in dog sports. (Click here for full bio and to view Hélène's upcoming courses)