Course Details
This course will take you through the steps from start to finish to create the teeter performance you have always wanted through a series of fun games. We will also work through the Aframe and Dog Walk. This course will show you how to create drive and independence for the contact obstacles. This course is perfect for the young dog who is just learning contacts or the dog that needs a refreasher course. We will only address 2on2off contacts in this course.
Check out our podcast about this course!
Teaching Approach
I teach a lot of skill-based classes. You will find that I write several short lectures a week and illustrate them with several short (usually 30 seconds or so) clips. The videos are designed to illustrate the lecture. Homework is specific and the same for everyone in the class and will follow a set path.

Barbara Currier (she/her) got involved with agility shortly after adopting her Chihuahua. In 2004, Barbara and her husband Michael were relocated to VA and shortly after she started teaching agility at All Dog Adventures (fka All Dog Playskool) in Richmond, VA. (Click here for full bio and to view Barbara's upcoming courses)