Course Details
What is your ideal picture of beautiful heelwork? It likely includes words like precision and accuracy. Does it go beyond that to include enthusiasm, energy, lift, spark and joy? These are the attributes that make heelwork beautiful to behold, exciting to train and yes! Fun for both dog and handler! By building animation, energy and enthusiasm as a separate piece from precision we can increase the rate of reward for each, creating value and joy in our heelwork training and performance.
This course will help you identify and build the components of joyful heeling: position, head carriage, drive, lift, focus, enthusiasm and confidence. These all help to create that pretty picture of heelwork we all strive for.
While this course will include training for precision and accuracy, the primary focus will be games and exercises that bring joy to your heelwork training and performance.
Teaching Approach
Lectures are released weekly and include written and video descriptions of each exercise in a step-by-step approach. Lectures and exercises (both specific weekly exercises and the entire course) start at a foundation level and take you through the process to the more advanced skills. The skills in the first couple of weeks benefit the team’s success in the last few weeks. Supplemental lectures may be provided depending on need.
Homework is listed at the end of each lecture for easy reference.
Video demonstrations of the exercises include the instructors training sessions as well as actual students working the exercises. There are a variety of breeds and sizes represented in the demo vids. Demonstration video length varies between 1-2 minutes. Many of the demo videos are also captioned.
Each team works at their own pace and at a level where their dog is showing understanding and confidence for the exercises for that week. Each week contains several exercises depending on dog and handler skill level and need.
Students will be provided with both general and specific written feedback, often including timestamps for clarity. Students will be able to show their work for any previous weeks as well as the current week’s exercises for continued feedback.
Some exercises can be completed in a small space. For other exercises you will want an amount of space that you and your dog can heel comfortably for approximately 10 steps. Some of the class exercises require the handler to move briskly depending on the needs of their dog.
The equipment list is very specific to the class exercises so you will want to be sure to have them ahead of time to get the most benefit from the class.
This class will have a Teacher's Assistant (TA) available in the Facebook study group to help the Bronze and Silver students! Directions for joining that Facebook group will be in the classroom after you register.

Julie Flanery (she/her), CPDT-KA has been working professionally with dogs and their handlers since 1993. She focuses on the needs of the dog and helping people form a strong relationship, through clear communication, and positive reinforcement. She has placed Obedience...(Click here for full bio and to view Julie's upcoming courses)