Course Details
Rally-FrEe is a unique sport with the structure of a Rally course and the creativity of Musical Freestyle. To learn more about Rally-FrEe, please visit
Each sport has its own set of foundation skills that allow the dog and handler to move more quickly and confidently through the training process of more complex skills. For both Rally-FrEe and Freestyle, training transitions that include returning to a position are paramount to the team’s success. Transitions allow the dog and handler team to change position and/or direction without changing the dog’s flow of momentum. We’ll focus on creating confidence and precision in foundation freestyle behaviors as well as creating clear and consistent criteria, often through the use of environmental management or structured shaping.
Another important aspect of both Rally-FrEe and Musical Freestyle is placing behaviors on verbal cues and eliminating the need for hand cues. How you train a behavior as well as the process you use to add the cue can slow or speed the process. We’ll go step by step through the process of putting value and meaning into your verbal cues, preventing both dog and handler from becoming dependent on hand cues.
The primary focus will be on specific foundation skills like circling from left and right, about U transitions, spin to position, pass thrus, paw lifts, and building variations, transitions and main moves from these skills.
This course is great for anyone wanting to venture into the sports of Freestyle or Rally-FrEe but also for instructors considering adding Rally-FrEe or Freestyle to their class curriculum.
Teaching Approach
Each week will have multiple lectures. Most will be released on the first day of the new week. However some may be released a little later in the week to allow for a progression of skills. Lectures include written and video descriptions of each exercise in a step-by-step approach. Lectures and exercises start at a foundation level and take you through the process to use the skills in a variety of ways. Supplemental lectures may be provided depending on need.
Homework and troubleshooting are listed in a separate lecture for easy access.
Video demonstrations of the exercises include the instructor's personal training sessions as well as actual students working the exercises. There are a variety of breeds and sizes represented in the demo vids. Demonstration video length varies between 1-2 minutes. Many of the demo videos are captioned.
Each team works at their own pace and at a level where their dog is showing understanding and confidence for the exercises for that week. Each week contains several exercises depending on dog and handler skill level and need.
Students will be provided with both general and specific written feedback, often including timestamps for clarity. Students will be able to show their work for any previous weeks as well as the current week’s exercises for continued feedback.
There are alot of skills and material in this course. While some students will complete all course material, there is no expectation that all skills/behaviors will be completed within the 6 week course. However the detail of the lectures and exercise videos will allow students continue the process and complete the skills on their timeline through their library.
Most all exercises, especially the base foundation skill, can be completed in a small space.
The equipment list is very specific to the class exercises so you will want to be sure to have them ahead of time to get the most benefit from the class.
This class will have a Teacher's Assistant (TA) available in the Facebook study group to help the bronze and silver students! Directions for joining will be in the classroom after you register.

Julie Flanery (she/her), CPDT-KA has been working professionally with dogs and their handlers since 1993. She focuses on the needs of the dog and helping people form a strong relationship, through clear communication, and positive reinforcement. She has placed Obedience...(Click here for full bio and to view Julie's upcoming courses)