Course Details
Learn the art and science of Desensitization and Counter-conditioning. Acquire skills that will allow you to help your dog develop a diminished or a more positive emotional response to things he’s not too keen about. This course is about learning the process and practicing the actual mechanics so that you can tackle your dog's fears with knowledge and experience. The focus is on technique... taking that step from "book learning" to actual application.
This course is eligible for 21 CEUs with the CCPDT: (CPDT-KA will earn 21 CEUs • CPDT-KSA will earn 9 knowledge CEUs and 12 skills CEUs • CBCC-KA will earn 6 behavior CEUs • all levels of registration are eligible for training and behavior CEUs • Skills CEUs require Gold registration)
The course is structured as a “Trainer’s Choice”. Gold students will each choose up to three stimuli they’ll use to practice and sharpen their DS&CC skills: Anything from the monster vacuum cleaner to nail trimming to the fear of being picked up. (It's not mandatory to have three stimuli to work on over the course of the session... three is just a maximum.)
If you've tried using DS/CC in the past and grew frustrated because it "didn't work", this is the class for you.
If you're new to the whole concept of DS/CC and starting from scratch, this is the class for you.
If you understand how DS/CC works but are afraid to start applying it for fear you might "make things worse", this is the class for you.
If you're a trainer and want to follow along as an auditor (Bronze level) to see how each Gold student's case evolves in order to build your creative problem-solving repertoire, this is the class for you.
If you're a trainer and want to take advantage of an extra pair of eyes and a supportive coach-partner as you hone your mechanical skills at the Gold level, this is the class for you.
Whatever your training level, I'm confident you will pick up useful nuggets of information through the course of this class.
Ideally, students will choose stimuli over which they have complete control, i.e. the stimulus is not present when they’re not working with it.
NOTE: We will not be addressing aggressive behaviours towards people or dogs in this class. If you’re not sure whether the main issue you want to address is appropriate for this course, please contact the instructor to discuss prior to registering at the Gold level. Remember that you can always register at Bronze or Silver and upgrade if room is available within the first 2 weeks of class.
Teaching Approach
**** NEW IN AUGUST 2022 **** - Lectures are available in both video and written format. Watch or listen to the video (instructor speaking into the camera), or read an exact transcript!
Lectures are released at the rate of 3-4 lectures per week (over several days) for the first half of the session. The second half of the session sees about 2 lectures per week. Lectures are kept short and on-topic to make it easier to absorb the information shared without feeling overwhelmed.
Demo videos are fully described in writing in the lectures, and text appears on the video itself to point out important sections. There is no verbal instruction or voice-over in the videos. When there is sound, it may be that of a verbal cue, general chattiness with the dog, or praise.
There is a strong emphasis throughout the course encouraging each student to work at their own pace and that of their dog’s. There is no expectation to work on material that has just been released. Students will move through the assignments at whatever speed corresponds to their dog’s needs.
Dogs will never be deliberately put into a situation that will create a fearful response.
This class will have a Teaching Assistant available in the Facebook study group to help the Bronze and Silver students! Directions for joining can be found in the classroom after you register.

Nancy (she/her) is a certified trainer with the CCPDT, and a certified behavior consultant with the IAABC. She teaches seminars, webinars, and workshops on dog training, dog behavior, and the business end of training throughout Canada, the U.S., and Europe. (Click here for full bio and to view Nancy's upcoming courses)