Course Details
Do behavior problems freak you out? Have you ever thought "I wish I could fix that" about a nuisance behavior your dog exhibits? Do the intricacies of behavior modification overwhelm you, though you feel comfortable teaching your dog performance behaviors?
This class is for you. Learn how to analyze a behavior by understanding what proceeds it and what follows it, rather than worrying about the behavior itself. Then learn to alter these circumstances, thereby watching the behavior change before your very eyes!
Gold students will have a behavior they'd like to modify, and they will work through the assignments to get to that light at the end of the tunnel. Behaviors that are perfect here are nuisance household behaviors (door dashing, whining to be fed, barking for attention, counter-surfing). The only behaviors that will not be taken at gold are those related to separation anxiety (see Nancy Tucker's course for that!), and human or dog-directed aggression. Potential golds should send a note to Sarah to find out if their target issue is a good fit.
Note: If you're not sure if your problem behavior is suited to this class, please send me a note BEFORE you register so we can avoid unhappiness all around!
Don't have any big issue going on, but want to get better at behavior modification as a professional? This class is a great fit for you at bronze!
Teaching Approach
This class is nerdy and information-heavy. If you have a problem you want solved but aren't interested in getting down and dirty with the details, this isn't for you. Sarah does not write a behavior modification plan for anyone in this class: you are expected to work through the assignments with her guidance to solve your own problems. She will make you think, and her method of teaching is very Socratic in nature. Following gold threads will be very valuable, but hoping to get your answers simply by following a forum thread that contains behavior issues similar to yours is unlikely to garner the same results as working through the assignments. Most lectures contain short videos, and students are encouraged to actively push their skills of observation and training throughout.

Sarah (she/her) has been working with dogs in the realms of performance training and behavior solutions for over a decade. She currently operates online through her business, The Cognitive Canine. Her special area of interest has long been helping dog owners address behavioral concerns...(Click here for full bio and to view Sarah's upcoming courses)