Course Details
Do you want to make your team the best you can be? The key to success in Nosework is in Generalization and Proofing. This course isn’t a skills based course although skills will be enhanced and honed. It’s a course entirely devoted to trial preparation. Use a systematic process to identify your particular challenges and then design a customized preparation plan for your dog to build confidence, motivation, and ease in novel environments particular to the level that you currently preparing for. All of our Nosework courses are targeted at getting you trial ready at whatever level you are at, but this course takes trial readiness to the next level. This course is appropriate for all levels of Nosework students and will give you the confidence you need to step to the start line.
This class is suitable regardless of your Nosework background or how you introduced odor to your dog. This class is designed to be repeated and to provide the online student with structure necessary to continue to build skills for successful trialing. (Bronze and Silvers will also be building customized plans!)
This is an excellent class for sensitive or environmental dogs as there is a heavy emphasis on the mental state of the dog. It is also an excellent class for students who are looking for a customized experience regardless of level or background.
You can expect in this class to see lots and lots of videos of different dogs working. One of the best learning methods is watching different dogs work. You'll find that your eye improves and your own ability to read your dog skyrockets! This class will not only showcase dogs working in the Gold threads but will also showcase a ton of dogs at different levels working throughout the lectures.
You can expect your dog to get much closer to being trial ready, and you can expect your own handling to improve by leaps and bounds! Hope to see you in class!
Teaching Approach
Lectures will be released weekly. The first week includes a lot of written assignments and will require the student to reflect on their own challenges. Lectures will be provided throughout the course to support key concepts. Much of the homework in this course is to execute and adjust the customized training plan developed in the first week. Because this course is customizable to varying levels, students may want to follow related Gold Threads. Each week, the training plan will be applied to different “themes” or “elements” such as Interiors, Exteriors, Vehicles, etc. Some of these assignments will require the student to work away from home. If you have questions as to how this can apply to your situation, please reach out to me via the instructor link.
This class with have a Teaching Assistant (TA) available in the Facebook discussion group to help the bronze and silver students! Directions for joining will be posted in the classroom after you register and before the start of the class.

Stacy Barnett is a top nosework competitor and trainer, with many Summit Level titles in the National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW), (Judd SMTx3, Brava SMTx5, Powder SMTx3). She is also a Wilderness SAR K9 handler with her certified dog, K9 Prize. Stacy has been a faculty member at FDSA since 2015 (Click here for full bio and to view Stacy's upcoming courses)