Course Details
If you want to do dog sports then you’ll want a variety of foundation skills. One of the most critical of these skills is teaching your dog to jump!
If you hold your breath while your dog throws themselves at obstacles then this class is for you. Correct jumping is quiet, fluid, and powerful! Good jumpers create confident handlers who can focus on their side of the equation - providing cues and information while the dog does their job - move through the jumping exercises with confidence and ease!
Whether your sport is obedience, agility, flyball or doggy disc, your dog must learn how to use their body correctly so that they are confident in themselves and learn to love their doggy sports!
If you want your dog to be the best jumper possible, join Loretta Mueller and teach your dog the mechanics of jumping!
This class is a foundation level class that will get your absolute beginner off on the right foot. This class is also appropriate for dogs that are already struggling, either showing less than stellar form or experiencing issues with their confidence.
Class will cover all types of jumps from single bars to triples to broad jumps, though each individual’s rate of progress will vary. Take your time and teach this foundation skill with excellence! The goal of this class is to give you the tools to create a talented, education jumper even after the 6 weeks are over!
Loretta will not use a single “method” to teach jumping; rather the class will introduce a variety of techniques to get the best out of each team.
Dogs should be one year of age or older to gain maximum benefit from this course.
Teaching Approach
Lectures are released on the first day of each week. They are a combination of written lectures and video demonstrations.
You do not have to run or move quickly for the lessons in this class., as the exercises are mostly gridwork, so even if you have mobility issues, you can do the exercises. If you need changes to the exercises or modifications, please post on your Gold thread.
Feedback is provided using a timestamp, and description of what I am talking about in the video submission. An example of this is below:
0:33 can you see here, when he took jump 2, his shoulders snapped back? That tells me he is rushing that line.
0:17 that dropped bar was because she slipped and her take off was changed. Just disregard that, it was just an accident.
This class will have a Teacher's Assistant (TA) available in the Facebook study group to help the bronze and silver students! Directions for joining that Facebook group will be in the classroom after you register.

Loretta Mueller (she/her) has been involved in agility since 2003 with her first rescue dog, Ace. Since then she has been involved in a variety of dog training activities including USBCHA herding, competitive obedience, rally obedience, and service dog training. In 2007, Loretta...(Click here for full bio and to view Loretta's upcoming courses)