The Barky Lungey Dog!
One-Day Online March 8, 2025 from 9am-5pm PT
Presenters: Amy Cook Phd, Irith Bloom, Karen Deeds CDBC, Kim Palermo, Sara Brueske, Sophie Liu DVM CDBC
Additional Guest Panelist - TBA
Join us from the comfort of your living room! If you cannot attend live the conference content will be available in your student library.
Tickets $89. Registration opens February 18th!
This event has been approved with CPDT for 8 CEUs for Behavior Consultants (CBCC). * Courses approved for
CBCC-KA CEUs may be applied to a CPDT-KA or CPDT-KSA recertification. IAABC CEUs are pending approval.
Click Here to Apply for a Scholarship (applications open February 18th)
Conference Schedule
ODS01: 9am - The Dopamine Dive - Using the Dopamine Box for Behavior Work
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that influences pleasure, motivation, attention, mood and learning. It is part of the brain’s reward system that motivates an individual to seek...
Karen Deeds, CDBC (Faculty)
ODS02: 9am - Reactive to Relaxed: The Look At That Game
There are many reasons why our dogs bark and lunge at stimuli in the environment, and there are also many methods and philosophies that are meant to “fix” this behavior. But w...
Kim Palermo (Faculty)
ODS03: 11am - Argh! Unraveling the Role of Frustration in Dog Reactivity
Imagine you are driving to work, and, suddenly, a traffic detour pops up. Even worse, you're already several minutes late. And you've got an important meeting with your boss! ...
Sophie Liu, DVM (Guest Presentations )
ODS04: 11am - Management vs Training -- is it Management for Life?
For many dog owners managing reactive dogs, there is a persistent concern that they will be trapped in a cycle of management without ever seeing meaningful progress through tr...
Amy Cook, PhD (Faculty)
ODS05: 1pm - Panel Discussion - Reinforcement Decisions with Amy Cook, Karen Deeds, Kim Palermo & Sarah Owen
Reinforcement decisions are so complex when dealing with our barky, lungey dogs! Join us as we dig deep into a discussion on those how important these decisions can be to supp...
Various Instructors (Guest Presentations )
ODS06: 2pm - Changing feelings: Is it Even Possible?
Everywhere you go you run into people teaching that you can solve reactivity and other overreactions using counterconditioning and desensitization (CC&DS). There are a lot...
Irith Bloom (Faculty)
ODS07: 2pm - Barky and Lungey to Calm and Confident: Using Pattern Games and Arousal Mobility
Have you been struggling with helping your dog calm down when they see other dogs or people? Tried training them to sit and stay focused on you without much success? Often whe...
Sara Brueske (Faculty)
ODS08: 4pm - Panel Discussion - The Roots of Reactivity with Irith Bloom, Sara Brueske, Sophie Liu & Michael Shikashio
How does reactivity start? Can we avoid it? The role of triggers and emotions? So many things to consider! Join us as we dig deep into the roots of reactivity Pan...
Various Instructors (Guest Presentations )
ZZ017 Subscriptions
The Barky Lungey Dog - March 8, 2025

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