Jerri Scherff

Jerri Scherff

With the largest following on social media platforms of any female dog trainer in history, Jerri Scherff, AKA Sailor Jerri the dog trainer, is making huge waves in the dog industry with her authenticity and upbeat personality. After nearly 20 years in veterinary medicine, Jerri founded Tulsa Pack Athletics in 2020 and the Open-Minded Approach in 2021. It immediately became a huge success, bringing something revolutionary to the dog training world. She is a certified dog trainer, a cowgirl, and mother of three. Her work in the industry is widely recognized by top professionals as creative and community driven. With an ever-growing social media presence, Sailor Jerri uses her platform to offer free and low cost courses, making training affordable and accesible. Jerri believes that we can have a massive influence on the lives of dogs by working together to platform education, prevention, and outreach. Her community is a safe space for everyone to come and learn - and it's also a blast!!