Course Details
This course is for those wanting to improve the quality of their Rally-FrEe performances and increase their scores. It is designed for dog and handler teams at any level of Rally-FrEe though is most beneficial to those that are either getting ready to compete or already competing. You’ll learn what judges are looking for in a performance and strategize for the highest possible scores. We'll practice some mini-courses and work through some of the more "problematic" sign behaviors and each gold student will have the opportunity to work on a sign of their choice or free choice behavior. You'll learn how to assess your and your dog's performance of sign behaviors and create true teamwork. Gold spot pre-requisite of RA 500 or RA501/RA502: RF/MF Foundation Skills 1 and 2, currently competing in Rally-FrEe or getting ready to compete. RA511 a plus! Any level bronze student welcome.

Julie Flanery (she/her), CPDT-KA has been working professionally with dogs and their handlers since 1993. She focuses on the needs of the dog and helping people form a strong relationship, through clear communication, and positive reinforcement. She has placed Obedience...(Click here for full bio and to view Julie's upcoming courses)
This syllabus is subject to minor changes or additions
Wk 1
Scoring Factors: What are they?
Criteria review: A plan worth sticking to!
Criteria review and sign nuances of individual behaviors: #32 Bow, plus 1 handler choice
Wk 2
Course Navigation that benefits the team
When to cue and when to move
Criteria review and sign nuances of individual behaviors: #4 Sit Stand and #5, Down Stand plus 1 handler choice
Wk 3
Strategies for Free Choice behaviors
Criteria Review and sign nuances of individual behaviors: #30 and 31, Paw lifts plus 1 handler choice
Wk 4
Attention games
Preventing disconnect on a course
Criteria Review of individual behaviors: #6 and 7, 270’s plus 1 handler choice
Wk 5
Back chaining courses – how, where, and why
Criteria Review of individual behaviors: #8 Prop weave plus 1 handler choice
Wk 6
Course navigation practice: Mini skills courses, married signs, quick recognition of signs
Prerequisites & Supplies
This course is designed for students with a basic understanding of the sport of Rally-FrEe and is most beneficial to those that are preparing to compete or are already competing at any level. Gold students should have several steps of heelwork on the left and the right and many of the Novice Rally-FrEe sign behaviors already trained. Ideally gold students will have taken RA501 and RA502 or RA511 at the bronze level or higher.
Students should be familiar with the use of markers, either a clicker or verbal marker and should understand the process of “shaping” or marking and rewarding small increments of behavior toward building the end result.
Dogs should have an understanding of markers and have the ability to focus on the handler during an exercise, and be able to maintain a standing, stationary position in left and right heel for several seconds.
Gold level students will need the ability to video their training sessions and upload their video to YouTube or other sharing site and post for instructor review.
You may be using props such as platforms or “training gates” to create clear criteria. Please contact me if you are unfamiliar with these aids.
You will also need several of the Rally-FrEe signs. These may be printed individually from the website at or they may be purchased in their store. The flash cards may work as well. You will also need the ability to have signs be upright such as in stands or leaning against cones.
In most cases, the exercises for this course can be done in a small space. However, a larger space for setting up partial courses is beneficial.
Sample Lecture
Sign #8, Prop Weave packs a wallop! It is both a heeling on a curve exercise, a duration exercise and an attention while working around distractions exercise. In essence, you'll be taking what you've learned last week in working the 270's and your attention exercises and you'll be applying them to your prop weave.
Here is an example of a prop weave: The dog and handler team heel in a serpentine through 3 or 4 props spaced 4-6 feet apart. You will always enter the prop weave with the first prop to your left. Remember that your dog may be heeling on your left or your right.
When practicing your prop weave, you'll want to determine both the intensity of the attraction of the props, as well as the distance from them at which your dog will succeed. When you first start practicing them, rather than starting with a serpentine, start by heeling down one side, starting with the dog on the outside (you will be between the props and your dog) and then switching so that the dog is on the near side to the props. Be sure that your distance from the prop is adequate to prevent looking away from you. Reward frequently. Be sure to pause and give your dog a chance to swallow and look back up at you before continuing forward.
When your dog is successful at walking past the props, you can add passing between 2 props before adding the serpentine, or weaving between the props. You may want to have your props more than the 4-6 ft apart that will be required in competition. You may also choose to heel wide of the props in the beginning to ensure success.
When performing prop weaves, I work to have the prop close to me and far from my dog. You can heel right to, and up near the prop. This way the dog is wide of the other props. It becomes less of a serpentine pattern and more like a zig zag.
Reward frequently as you move through the prop weave. Stop to feed so the dog doesn't start to lag because he's still eating and you took off without him. As your dog gets comfortable with one set of props, change one out for a different prop. Continue to change out props. Remember at a live event your dog will have never seen the props, so the more variety you put into your props the better! As you continue to reinforce passing each prop, the prop itself will start to become a cue to look to you.
Okay, let's see your Prop Weaves! And don't forget to send me your work on your extra Sign or Free Choice behavior this week!
Testimonials & Reviews
A sampling of what prior students have said about this class ...
Julie Flanery is an awesome class instructor. She has very well thought out lessons and her feedback is excellent. She gives a very good while always encouraging critique of homework. I hope to take every one of her classes. She's awesome!!! Ellen S.
I found RallyFree quite by accident. I had no idea what is was but I was hoping it would be my "gateway' to freestyle since I have no access to "live" freestyle instructors. Wow! It turned out to not only be my gateway but opened up a whole new venue for me that I have absolutely fallen in love with. Julie Flanery has the ability to make you want more! I will be forever thankful to her Connie L.
Julie - this class was terrific! I've competed once in Rally FrEe and your comments on my qualifying run were very helpful as I strive for a better score next time. I now have a better understanding of what you were communicating to me in my evaluation, in light of the techniques and information I have learned through this course. A great course! Thank you.
Julie Flanery is one of those special people you hope you are lucky enough to come into your life. No matter what your struggle is, she has a way of "seeing it" and with her help you know it is going to better!
Great course! It was a great opportunity to look at ways of improving individual signs as well as overall Rally FrEe courses. Melita R
There are no scheduled sessions for this class at this time. We update our schedule frequently, so please subscribe to our mailing list for notifications.
Our apologies, this class has been cancelled for the August 2020 session.
RA570 Subscriptions
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Tuition | $ 260.00 | $ 130.00 | $ 65.00 |
Enrollment Limits | 12 | 25 | Unlimited |
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