January 1, 1970
February 12, 1970
December 22, 1969
January 15, 1970
February 1, 2025
March 15, 2025
January 22, 2025
February 15, 2025
Do you have a dog that chases the ball, yet won’t bring it back? Plays keep away with toys? Tugs but won’t let go? Bites you instead of the tug? Obsesses over toys, yet won’t listen to a single thing you say? Is you...
First Things First is the new puppy owner's guide to building strong skills and social behaviors -right from the start! With a progression based on my board-and-train puppy program, this sequ...
Do you end up doing a palm-to-face plant every time you start a shaping project? Using shaping to teach behaviours to our dogs can be both exhilarating and downright frustrating. Sometimes we fly along, and other ti...
This course utilizes games to help teach your dog focus and self control with a focus on sport behaviors. Start line stays, working around distractions and choosing to focus on the handler are some of the goal...
Are you finding yourself confused by all the new marker cues for everything? Toss, X, Yes, Sniff, Scatter, it’s hard to keep them all straight and your head is going to explode! What is the big deal anyway? A ...
Is your dog TOO friendly? Over-excited, jumpy, and perhaps even a little unwittingly rude with how eagerly they greet you, other family members, or strangers? If you’ve found yourself wishing that your d...
As positive reinforcement trainers, we understand that our dogs have choices – the choice to engage or not engage, to stay or go, to work or not work, to choose us or choose the environment. These choices are crucia...