Course Details
This workshop is about being CONFIDENT in calling Alert on Inaccessible or High Hides in Competition! (focus on Deep and High)
Did you know that there is an optimal time to call Alert? Sure, it may seem straightforward... but it's only straightforward when you are sourcing straightforward hides! As the hides get more challenging, the Alert call in competition or in a blind situation becomes a risk assessment rather than just waiting for the dog to alert. The handler has to evaluate the information that the dog is giving and then make a judgement call. The timing of that judgement call requires an assessment of behavior of the dog, an evaluation of the search area, and an overall sense of risk and tolerance for a fringe call.
In this workshop we will decompose dog search behavior and evaluate the thinking process necessary to go into a call and will practice deciding WHEN we can comfortably call an inaccessible or elevated hide while still remaining fast and efficient.
The general outline of the lecture will include:
- Why Inaccessible Hides are difficult to call... Risk and Air Flow
- What is a "Fringe" call?
- My Flow Chart for decision making when calling Alert in a blind situation
- Airflow considerations... why the greater the complexity of the hide, the less "human precision" applies
- What really IS bracketing?
- Intensity is your Friend when hides are deep or high
- What do you do when you are not sure?
Ideally working spots will be able to run practice on blind hides. If that is not possible, known hides can be substituted.
Watch the trailer
Lecture Publish Date: Sunday December 5th
Video Submissions Due Date: Sunday December 12th @ 12pm noon PT
Feedback & Questions Video Publish Date: Wednesday December 15th

Stacy Barnett is a top nosework competitor and trainer, with many Summit Level titles in the National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW), (Judd SMTx3, Brava SMTx5, Powder SMTx3). She is also a Wilderness SAR K9 handler with her certified dog, K9 Prize. Stacy has been a faculty member at FDSA since 2015 (Click here for full bio and to view Stacy's upcoming courses)