Course Details
The Dog Park Dog
We all know that dogs need exercise to be happy and mentally stable. And let’s face it – what’s more fun than watching your dog frolic happily in an open field with a group of doggy friends? So if you’re like many dog owners, taking your pup on an outing to the dog park after work or on a lazy Saturday for a wild off-leash romp might seem like an obvious choice.
But is this really the best option for every dog? Are there any potential risks and downsides you need to be aware of, before you set out for the park with your excited pup in tow?
In this webinar, we’ll discuss the following topics:
- Things to consider *before* going to the dog park o Is the dog park environment always good for dogs?
- Do all dogs enjoy going? o Potential benefits, as well as risks and drawbacks
- Choosing the best dog park to visit o Characteristics to look for – size, safety, etc.
- Members only or public access?
- Having a good experience at the park!
- General guidelines for fun and safety o What does normal dog play look like?
- When should you intervene?
We’ll also talk a bit about how you can tell if your own dog is a good fit for the typical dog park environment. (Spoiler alert – if she’s not, that’s perfectly okay!) Every dog is an individual, but are there some general characteristics we can look for to help us decide if a particular pup is likely to enjoy a dog park trip?
And if not, we’ll discuss some alternative ways of getting exercise and mental stimulation that can be just as good – or better, in some cases – vs. a free-for-all wrestle-fest with a group of unfamiliar dogs.
Watch the Video Trailer with Sample Clips:

Jennifer Summerfield (she/her) is a veterinarian and Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA), with a focus on treating behavior problems including aggression to humans or other animals, separation anxiety, and compulsive behavior disorders. She also teaches group classes and...(Click here for full guest instructor bio)