Course Details
Distractions, distractions, distractions.....In this class we will develop the ability to search in the midst of many types of distractions. This class is designed to build confidence and empower our dog in the face of distractions. Through proper environmental setup and strategic hide placement we will slowly increase criteria. We will also discuss how using pattern games and start buttons can help our dogs communicate where they are emotionally and when they are ready to work.
This class will cover peemail, environmental distractions, food, toys, crittering, and marking. AKC Scent Work specific distractions will also be covered, starting away from odor and then adding the odor with the distraction.
When your dog becomes distracted or struggles in a search, it is best to abort your search and then step back and evaluate the environment and the hide placement. Is your dog confident in the environment? Is the hide placement set for your dog’s skill level in THAT environment? Are there distractors that have his attention? Was your dog focused on the start line before releasing to search or was your dog still taking in the environment? When these things happen, we need to address the environment not our dog. Our dog is just letting us know that they are not ready for this search in this environment on this day.
As we increase the level of the distractor, it is important to check in with our dog and ask for their input and adjust our training plan as needed. If they are taking cookies too hard, displacement or distraction sniffing, checking out, etc., the environment or level of distraction will need to be reduced. Pattern games are very beneficial, by using pattern games our dog can communicate when they are ready which will build a nice focused start line performance.
It is important to maintain motivation and confidence when working with distractions. We cannot expect our dog to work through distractions if they are not motivated by odor as well as they cannot be successful if they do not have confidence in the environment or with the task.
In the last week of class, personal plans can be developed on how to continue working through distractions as needed for each team.
"When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower." Alexander Den Heijer
And look at him now!
Pmail issues, we've got you covered!
Teaching Approach
Lectures will be released weekly so you can plan your week based on homework and reading assignments. In addition to exercises and games, there will be lectures on key concepts. Homework is not assigned on the concept lectures. Lectures with exercises will include a written portion, example videos, and homework. The exercises will vary week to week based on the subject each week. Some will require more space as we work on outside distractions. There will be some bending required, however no quick movements are necessary. If you have questions in regard to content or requirements, please contact me via the instructor link.

Melissa Chandler (she/her) lives in Ohio and is owned by her Weimaraner and Vizsla. Melissa has been addicted to dog sports since starting in 4H and AKC Jr. Showmanship. She has competed in conformation, agility, obedience, hunt tests, nose work, and rally. She has also...(Click here for full bio and to view Melissa's upcoming courses)