Course Details
Get ready to trial in the new AKC Handler Discrimination Scent Work division!! This class will cover the advanced skills needed to trial at Advanced, Excellent and Master AKC level Handler Discrimination classes. From interiors, to exteriors to multiple hides and distractions. This class is perfect if you are still trialing in Novice or ready to compete in the Advanced+ classes. The primary focus of the class is building value for YOUR odor through many fun games and successful search setups!
The target odor is the handler's scent. In the novice class, a cotton sock or glove is hidden in a box container only. For all other classes your scented cotton ball or swab is placed in interiors, exteriors, and/or containers.
We'll refresh our handler scent work from the intro class, jump right into searching for our scented cotton ball/swab in various search elements and end with "back to boxes" for our Novice AND Master level skills. By building strong value for finding our scent in non-container searches, we will increase success with the box level searches, including a small scent pad with cotton balls or swabs that can be used at the Master level.
We will split out the behaviors and work our way up to successfully searching our hidden scented item and learn neat little tricks to handle discrimination odors! We will also cover the types of distractions that can be found in the higher level classes.
Come join us in this new and exciting adventure in scent detection where we will take it to the next level!

Julie Symons (she/her) has been involved in dog sports for over 30 years. Starting with her mix, Dreyfus, in flyball, she went on to train and compete in conformation, agility, obedience, herding and tracking with her first Belgian tervuren, Rival. Rival was the first CH OTCH MACH Belgian...(Click here for full bio and to view Julie's upcoming courses)