Often times, the hardest step in heeling is that first one. There are so many fun ways to start moving forward! Stop heeling from a boring sit and start motivating your dog!

Hand Touches

I like the dog to be attentive and driving up and forward on that first step. One technique you can use to accomplish this is the hand touch. Start by ensuring that your dog can do a hand touch in heel position without any movement at all. Be sure your hand is back by your side (not out in front of you) and that your dog lifts straight up off the ground in a controlled jump. You don't want the dog flinging upward out of control or coming up too far. When he lands, he should still be in heel position.

Once you have this skill down without any movement, you can start moving your left leg out as you cue the hand touch.

You can start this from a stand or a sit.

Here's another example of a hand touch from a sit.

As I work through this process, I very slowly add steps and as I do so, withhold my touch cue a bit longer each time. When the dog is doing great with touching as you move your left leg out, I will do a full step then ask for a touch. Then eventually I will add a second step before asking for a touch. Your dog's head should be up and he/she should be anticipating the touch. If he does it before you cue, just ignore him and reward him when he does it when you've asked for it.

Small Dogs

You can do hand touches with small dogs too! In this video, Denise uses nose touches with Brito.

Toss Treat Behind

Another way to increase motivation is to have the dog catch up with you. To do this, toss a treat behind you and start heeling as the dog heads back to you.

Here's an example:

Back Up and Start Heeling

Backing up with the dog following you, then moving forward while the dog flips around in heel is another great way to start.

Another variation is to back up from your dog and turn around to start heeling. Here's an example:

There are so many ways to help heeling be more fun and motivating for your dog. Use these tips to get started and watch your dog's enthusiasm for heeling go up!

During my June class, From Pivots to Practical Heeling, we will focus on all kinds of ways to start moving forward! The class will start with the pivot bowl, and we'll work through getting off the pivot bowl and still getting that great rear-end movement. Then we'll get you and your dog moving forward, adding in turns, pace changes, and halts! Join me in class for a step-by-step progression from pivot bowl to moving forward!